[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Problems posting to new groups

C506634@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU (Eric Edwards) (02/03/91)

I've noticed that some people have complained about being unable to post
to the new groups using daemon@ucbvax.berkley.edu  While we wait for the folks
at berkeley to fix their daemon there is an alternative.

Pws.bull.com offers a similar service as ucbvax and the DO have the new
groups.  To post using this message send mail to newsgroup@pws.bull.com

For example, I posted this message to comp.sys.amiga.misc  The email address
I sent it to was "comp.sys.amiga.misc@pws.bull.com"

Now there is no excuse for posting in the wrong group.

Eric Edwards: c506634 @    "The 3090.  Proof that by applying state of the
Inet: umcvmb.missouri.edu   art technology to an obsolete architecture,
Bitnet: umcvmb.bitnet       one can achieve mediocre performance."