[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Flood of messages from -- 'mmdf'

BLABC183@ksuvxa.kent.edu (E. Malcolm Crosby - KSU BSA Network Technician) (02/04/91)

Lately I've been getting a flood of messages from this discussion. I've  been
getting about 200 - 300 messages a day. Half of them are doubles from some
address other than 'AMIGA-RELAY@UDEL.EDU'. The address that I'm receiving this
mail from is 'MMDF@UDEL.EDU'.

Now my question is, how do I stop the messages from 'MMDF@UDEL.EDU' from
being mailed to me.

// E. Malcolm Crosby -- Student Novell Network Computer Lab Technician       \\
// Kent State University, College of Business Administration (Kent, Ohio)    \\
// Bitnet:	BLABC183@KENTVMS          |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\
// Internet:	BLABC183@ksuvxa.kent.edu  |                                  \\
// BIX:         mcrosby                   |                                  \\
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                  \\
//   AMIGA  /// A2000/HD, Novell Netware & (Sorry AMI) IBM MS-DOS experience \\
// FOREVER ///  Phone: (W) - (216)-672-3994 / (H) - (216)-673-9271           \\
//     \\\///   Fax:   (W) - (216)-672-2448                                  \\
//      \XX/                                                                 \\