[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Fish 371-380 listing

C506634@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU (Eric Edwards) (01/25/91)

Could somone send me the listing for Fish 371-380?  I realize it's old but
it's the only one that I'm missing.  I hate having an *almost* complete
collection of Fish listings.

BTW, what's this that I heard about 431-440 being released?  I almost missed
the announcement for 421-430 becuase Fred Fish posted to comp.sys.amiga instead
 of comp.sys.amiga.announce

Eric Edwards: c506634 @    "The 3090.  Proof that by applying state of the
Inet: umcvmb.missouri.edu   art technology to an obsolete architecture,
Bitnet: umcvmb.bitnet       one can achieve mediocre performance."

fnf@fishpond.uucp (Fred Fish) (02/04/91)

In article <20611@know.pws.bull.com> C506634@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU (Eric Edwards) writes:
>BTW, what's this that I heard about 431-440 being released?  I almost missed
>the announcement for 421-430 becuase Fred Fish posted to comp.sys.amiga instead
> of comp.sys.amiga.announce

New disk availability announcements will come out in the .announce group,
took a while to propagate to fishpond.

The current highest released disk number is 450.  List should be in the
.announce group soon...

# Fred Fish, 1835 E. Belmont Drive, Tempe, AZ 85284,  USA
# 1-602-491-0048               asuvax!mcdphx!fishpond!fnf