[comp.sys.amiga.misc] JX100, JX300, and JX450 scanner and ASDG's Scanlab

andrewtn@sage.cc.purdue.edu (Trevor Andrews) (02/04/91)

Does anyone have a JX100 scanner and ASDG's scanlab software?
If so could you send me some mail on what you think of the
product in general and if you can I have a few questions I
need answers to.
1) What is the res of the scanned area (is the 4 x 6 area a 320 x 400
image or what is it)?
2) Can you take 2 more images with the software and piece them together
to make one big iff file?
3) How good are the scans in 200 dpi are the scans clear or are they
4) How do you like to scanner and software for what you use if for?
Any other information then this would be welcome.
Would someone with a JX100 send me a scan that hasn't been touched up
or fix in any way.  I want to see how good it does for my self.
One last thing...If any one has a JX300 or JX450 would you send me 
mail on what you think of the scanner and software.  Also if the
above questions apply would you respond.  A pic or two from the 
JX300 or JX450 would be nice too.  Please no editing so I can see
what it's like with out editing them.
Thank for all the help anyone can give.
Please send all mail and responses to: