[comp.sys.amiga.misc] New Testament tool on GEnie - anyone posted to FTP site?

anderson@npdiss1.StPaul.NCR.COM (Joel Peter Anderson) (02/04/91)

[I know this is a repost.  I posted originally to the old comp.sys.amiga
group, and I think it got missed in the transition;  so far the
only response I have got is me too! requests to find out where this
might be.]

The .INFO  latest issue notes a CanDo application that gives a NewTestament
tool for the Amiga, and says it has been posted to GEnie.  I located it
(the number in the magazine is wrong - do a file search on GEnie) but
only got 500+K of the 600+K of the file.  It is a push button CanDo
interface for the complete text of the NT (KJV).  It is CharityWare - 
give to a favorite charity (Habitat for Humanity is suggested). [it
does not require CanDo to run]

Because of my aborted file transfer I am missing the text editor piece
and some of the texts.  At 1200 Baud I do not want to try to download
this again (2 hour file transfer - yikes!).  If anyone knows an FTP site this
might have been posted, I would appreciate hearing  - as no doubt would
be any number of people interested in acquiring such a tool.

Thanks for listening,

"We know only the strong will survive, But the meek will inherit.
 So if you've got a coat of arms, oh friend, I suggest we wear it."
					John Mellencamp.
  joel.anderson@StPaul.NCR.COM   |
     Joel Peter Anderson         |GEnie: J.ANDERSON71 (I think)
  NCR Comten / Software engineer |PNET: jpa@pnet51.orbit.mn.org