[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga YACC/BISON Clone desired.

sattlerc@motcid.UUCP (Chris Sattler) (02/04/91)

c315-25@cs.UAlberta.CA (Huisman Kenneth M) writes:

>Does anyone know of a Yacc or Bison clone for the Amiga?
>I found FLEX (A Lex clone) on abfd20.larc.nasa.gov, but no luck
>on a yacc or bison clone.  (I even looked through FILES.Z!  :-)

>Can anyone point me to an FTP site where I may find this?

>(Please include the filename and directory, and IP address of the
>FTP site).

There is an Amiga port of Bison which I believe is on Fred Fish disk #136.
I don't know if it has been updated since then or not.  

Do you have any ideas how I could get a copy of FLEX.  Our site doesn't
allow annonymous FTP.  Do you have source?  Is it big?  Could it be Emailed?


>Ken Huisman

>Send E-Mail Replies to:


david@starsoft.hou.tx.us (Dave Lowrey) (02/05/91)

In article <1991Feb4.044430.11054@cs.UAlberta.CA> c315-25@cs.UAlberta.CA (Huisman Kenneth M) writes:
>Does anyone know of a Yacc or Bison clone for the Amiga?
>I found FLEX (A Lex clone) on abfd20.larc.nasa.gov, but no luck
>on a yacc or bison clone.  (I even looked through FILES.Z!  :-)
>Can anyone point me to an FTP site where I may find this?

Fish disk 299 has a YACC clone. Fish disk 155 has Bison.

The fish disks are on uc1.cso.uiuc.edu in the directory amiga/fish

These words be mine. The company doesn't care, because I am the company! :-)

      Dave Lowrey        |  david@starsoft or {uhnix1,lobster}!starsoft!david
Starbound Software Group |
      Houston, TX        | "Dare to be stupid!" -- Weird Al Yankovic