[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Worn Mouse?

n350bq@tamuts.tamu.edu (Duane Fields) (02/05/91)

I have a 3000 that I bought in August, now the mouseball is seemingly
losing traction. This happened to another friend of mine as well, and
since we were using different brands of mouse pads, I place the problem
at the ball. Does anyone know if it is possible to "rescuff" the ball
to gain better traction?


| Duane Fields              |     Friends don't     |  President, aTmiga club |
| Box 1315                  |    let friends use    |  Fone#   (409) 847-6760 |
| College Station, Tx 77841 |        MS-DOS.        |  n350bq@tamuts.tamu.edu |

gt1619a@prism.gatech.EDU (Net Runner Mark V) (02/05/91)

Try cleaning out the mouse rollers that come in contact with the ball, that 
usually works with mine....

James D. McIninch
School of Applied Biology
Georgia Institute of Technology, Box 31619
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
uucp:     ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!gt1619a
Internet: gt1619a@prism.gatech.edu
*   The goal: to design CAD/CAM software and hardware for the creation   *
*             of living things...                                        *

n350bq@tamuts.tamu.edu (Duane Fields) (02/05/91)

No, I already checked that, the ball SEEMS smoother, what would
happen if I sand papered it a bit?


| Duane Fields              |     Friends don't     |  President, aTmiga club |
| Box 1315                  |    let friends use    |  Fone#   (409) 847-6760 |
| College Station, Tx 77841 |        MS-DOS.        |  n350bq@tamuts.tamu.edu |