[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Help with Orbit program

sjeyasin@axion.bt.co.uk (swaraj jeyasingh) (02/05/91)

Can anybody help me locate a Timothy Middendorf who wrote
the Orbit program available on Fish289.  I have posted this a
couple of times on the net but with no luck thus far.  Failing
that, has anyone else tried out this program ???.  I cant
update the data file which contains the satellite data witout
causing a GURU failure. All suggestions gratefully accepted.

TM  says he can be contacted on Compuserve
72307, 3435 and Epoch2000 BBS (303-531-6172). I have tried the former but have
had no success and am loathe to try the latter from across here. Hence this

Increasingly depressed,

Swaraj Jeyasingh                        sjeyasin@axion.bt.co.uk
British Telecom Research Labs