[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga YACC/DISON Clone disired.

@utrcgw.utc.com:mark@ardnt1 (mark) (02/05/91)

on 5 Feb 91 01:16:51 GMT,
Dave Lowrey <david@starsoft.hou.tx.us> said:

    Dave> In article <1991Feb4.044430.11054@cs.UAlberta.CA> 
          c315-25@cs.UAlberta.CA (Huisman Kenneth M) writes:

             > Does anyone know of a Yacc or Bison clone for the Amiga?

             > I found FLEX (A Lex clone) on abfd20.larc.nasa.gov, but no luck
             > on a yacc or bison clone.  (I even looked through FILES.Z!  :-)

             > Can anyone point me to an FTP site where I may find this?

    Dave> Fish disk 299 has a YACC clone. Fish disk 155 has Bison.

    Dave> The fish disks are on uc1.cso.uiuc.edu in the directory amiga/fish

Fish disk has an update of the YACC found on disk 299.
Here is the description:

    Yacc	This is a port of Berkeley Yacc for the Amiga.  This
		Yacc has been made as compatible as possible with the
		AT&T Yacc, and is completely public domain.  Note that
		it is NOT the so-called Decus Yacc, which is/was simply
		a repackaging of the proprietary AT&T Yacc.  This is
		an update to the version on disk 299.  Includes source.
		Author:  Bob Corbett et. al.


| Mark Stucky                         | Email:                               |
| United Technologies Research Center |   mark%ardnt1@utrcgw.utc.com         |
| East Hartford, CT.                  |   mast%utrc@utrcgw.utc.com           |
| My opinions do not necessarily represent the opinions of my employer.      |