[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Help: Maverick HD install

jrosnow@vx.acs.umn.edu (JOHN ROSNOW) (02/05/91)

I have been trying to install Maverick for the Amiga on my A2000HD and it does
not seem to work.  After attempting to install it I have also had problems 
making copies using the floppy disk.  They say the disks copy but they dont
work right.  I only have 1 Meg of RAM which may make a difference.  I did 
boot with the floppy when I used the floppy.


        /   /    /   /    /    /     /               
       /   /    /   /___ /    / /   /               JROSNOW@UMNACVX 
      /   /    /   /    /    /   / /                
 ____/   /____/   /    /    /     /              JROSNOW@vx.acs.umn.edu    


chuckt@theborg.mlb.fl.us (Chuck Teschke) (02/06/91)

I have succesfully put Maverick on my HD it works ok (sort of...)
You need to assign maverick to wherever you put it and make sure you have the
font in your fonts dir. It runs but i have problems with the parameters.
when i click on the gadget to scroll through them after the second one the
text blanks out. it still goes through the list, i just cant see which one
it is on. I thought it was Qmouse messing it up but it didnt effect it when i
turned it off.I figured out that if i click on the arrow and then wait atleast
one second or so before i click on it again then it will work. it just takes
