[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A beginner asks for help

v110ecku@ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu (James R Kinney) (02/01/91)

I've tried using the [get], [bget], and [mget] commands, but after
downloading the files, lharc, zip, and zoo all inform me that the
file contains corrupt data/bad CRC, which is funny, because when
I transfer a local file I experience no difficulty.
   Seeing that I know little and next to nothing about ftp/unix
transfers, I was wondering if anyone out there in amiga net-land
could tell me what I'm not doing or doing wrong. Advance thanks!


David.Plummer@f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Plummer) (02/06/91)

You'll likely receive 100 > x < 10000 replies to your post, but have you 
turned BINARY type on (unless bget does that automatically, not 
familliar with bget)?  Just type binary on the command line, or failing 
that, try typing "type binary".

David Plummer - via FidoNet node 1:140/22
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