[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Dealers/Store Owners,Help Another Amiga Store!

ai065@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Thomas Hill) (02/06/91)

   We can always use more Amiga specific stores, right? I have a relative
who is considering opening a computer store. I'm trying very hard to convince
him to carry Amigas, but he is at a lack of information. More to the point,
he lacks information on methods and contacts for buying Amiga third party
hardware/software. A few MSDOS distributors have practicly tried to ram their
network down his throat, but I've almost got him convinced that there is too
much competition in DOS (generic) stores these days. We live in an area that
has no close Amiga dealers, and the three we have are some twenty miles away.
No competition for you store owners who already own a store, so how about a
little help in building another Amiga dealer? Send Email if possible.

Why purchase a MAC when |  Amiga...The computer for _ | IBM's greatest sales
the Amiga will run MAC  | the creative mind!    _  // | tool is ignorance on
software faster?        |.......................\\//..| the consumer's part.