[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A3000UX at UniForum?

Harvey_Taylor@mindlink.UUCP (Harvey Taylor) (01/31/91)

    So, UniForum was Jan.22-24 & I haven't heard a word about
 the A3000UX being released. I guess that was just another rumour...
    Anybody go to UniForum?

    "When a feudal lord fights in his own territory,
             he is in dispersive ground." -Sun Tzu

      Harvey Taylor      Meta Media Productions

griffin@eecae.uucp (Danny Griffin) (02/02/91)

Harvey_Taylor@mindlink.UUCP (Harvey Taylor) writes:

>    So, UniForum was Jan.22-24 & I haven't heard a word about
> the A3000UX being released. I guess that was just another rumour...
>    Anybody go to UniForum?
>    -harvey

There was an announcement on BIX I believe, and it went something like this:

TITLE:  Amiga UNIX Box Now Available, Commodore Says

Commodore's Amiga 3000UX UNIX workstation is finally available, the company
has announced. The Amiga 3000UX runs AT&T's UNIX System V Release 4 and is
based around a standard Amiga 3000 with a 68030 processor running at 16
MHz. The 3000UX also runs X Window and Open Look on top of System V.

Commodore will offer 2 models of the machine. The 3000UX-B, which retails
for $5499, comes with 4 MB of fast RAM and a 100- MB hard drive. THe
3000UX-D, priced at $6999, comes with 8 MB of fast RAM and a 200-MB hard
drive. They can be expanded to hold up to 18 MB of RAM on the motherboard.
Both models have an Ethernet board, UNIX system software, mouse, and a
single 3.5- inch floppy drive that Commodore describes as "multiformat."

The systems also ship with Commodore's AmigaDOS operating system so that
they can also function as standard Amiga 3000 computers. The systems
support NFS and TCP/IP and are designed to operate very much as standard
UNIX workstations.

	    --- Owen Linderholm

    Contact: Commodore Business Machines, 1200 Wilson Dr, West
    Chester, PA 19380; (215) 431-9100; fax (215) 431-9156

    (I love snap)

Dan Griffin

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (02/02/91)

In article <4644@mindlink.UUCP> Harvey_Taylor@mindlink.UUCP (Harvey Taylor) writes:
>    So, UniForum was Jan.22-24 & I haven't heard a word about
> the A3000UX being released. I guess that was just another rumour...
>    Anybody go to UniForum?
>    -harvey
	It WAS officially released and should be shipping. I
don't know what the configurations and prices are, though.
Probably next week or so.

>    "When a feudal lord fights in his own territory,
>             he is in dispersive ground." -Sun Tzu
>      Harvey Taylor      Meta Media Productions
>       uunet!van-bc!rsoft!mindlink!Harvey_Taylor
>               a186@mindlink.UUCP

	-- Ethan

	"It seemed like he appeared on every television show
except Wheel of Fortune. You see, he was afraid that Vanna might
turn over the 'L' word."
	-- George Bush attacking Michael Dukakis for going on TV

lindholm@greve.ucs.ubc.ca (George Lindholm) (02/02/91)

In article <4644@mindlink.UUCP>, Harvey_Taylor@mindlink.UUCP (Harvey Taylor) writes:
|>     So, UniForum was Jan.22-24 & I haven't heard a word about
|>  the A3000UX being released. I guess that was just another rumour...
|>     Anybody go to UniForum?
|>     -harvey
I didn't hear the actual announcement, but the sales-slime that cornered me 
at the Commodore booth said it had been announced officially.

University Computing Services                phone:    (604) 822-4375
University of British Columbia               internet: lindholm@ucs.ubc.ca
6356 Agricultural Road, Vancouver, B.C.      bitnet:   USERGNL@UBCMTSG
Canada, V6T 1T7

sck@arnor.uucp (02/02/91)

I was at UseNIX and also went ot UniForum, and from what I was told. "The
A3000/UX was released on Tuesday, January 22nd, 1991." There are two 
versions one has 5 MB of RAm and a 100 MB Drive (I don't recommend buying
this one because 1: the RAM they are using is probably {according to my 
dealer} the same that is in the A3000 edu. package what means they are
using four 256 KB ZIPPS instead of one 1 MB ZIPP. This means you have to 
sell/throw out the memory when you upgrade your memory :*( The other version
has 8 MB of memory with a 200 MB drive. (This should be the entry system, 
IMHO because 80 MB is the current Size of Amiga's SysVR4 add to that a decent
Swap space (16-32 MB), a healthy /usr/local, a robust /u, and a bountiful
/tmp and you have used almost 200 MB. 

So I hope this dispells your thoughts of rumoring... I just can't wait until
they release versions for 2500/30s Which acording to one of the sales-drones
there should be in mid-late March. BTW Your local Amiga Dealer should have 
received his pricing info from the latest sales meeting. (Depending on where
you are this may not have happened yet, so be patient and support your local
dealer, or someday there may not be any. :(
Scott C. Kennedy (sck@shed.watson.ibm.com) | "You may say I'm dreamer...
Distributed High Performance Computing     |  but I'm not the only one." 
I.B.M. Thomas J. Watson Research Facility  | John Lennon - Dec. 8, 1980

aru@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Sriram Ramkrishna) (02/02/91)

In article <1991Feb1.160317.27931@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> griffin@eecae.uucp (Danny Griffin) writes:
>Harvey_Taylor@mindlink.UUCP (Harvey Taylor) writes:
>Commodore will offer 2 models of the machine. The 3000UX-B, which retails
>for $5499, comes with 4 MB of fast RAM and a 100- MB hard drive. THe

Whoa...according to a brochure, the regular Amiga 3000/25-100 system
has a list price of $5798.  You sure this is the right price?  I can't see
why they would make it cheaper than the ordinary system.  If this is
true, hell thats great because the educational discount would be worth it.

What I am thinking is that this is the just the plain CPU unit with only
that and the tape drive to load up UNIX.  I doubt a monitor is included...


mattij@tuura.UUCP (Matti Joutkoski) (02/04/91)

griffin@eecae.uucp (Danny Griffin) writes:

>Commodore's Amiga 3000UX UNIX workstation is finally available, the company
>has announced. The Amiga 3000UX runs AT&T's UNIX System V Release 4 and is
>based around a standard Amiga 3000 with a 68030 processor running at 16
>MHz. The 3000UX also runs X Window and Open Look on top of System V.

Hi there!

Is it really true, that there ain't 25 MHz 3000UX configuration available?
If so, is there some reasons why?

>Commodore will offer 2 models of the machine. The 3000UX-B, which retails
>for $5499, comes with 4 MB of fast RAM and a 100- MB hard drive. THe
>3000UX-D, priced at $6999, comes with 8 MB of fast RAM and a 200-MB hard
>drive. They can be expanded to hold up to 18 MB of RAM on the motherboard.
>Both models have an Ethernet board, UNIX system software, mouse, and a
>single 3.5- inch floppy drive that Commodore describes as "multiformat."

Well these configurations must be without TIGA graphic adapter, am I right?
When that adapter will be released?

>The systems also ship with Commodore's AmigaDOS operating system so that
>they can also function as standard Amiga 3000 computers. The systems
>support NFS and TCP/IP and are designed to operate very much as standard
>UNIX workstations.

Are  these TCP/IP and NFS included to the base OS configuration or are they
just available. If that so, how much they cost? And does the TCP/IP support
the SLIP or not? And what net-adapter will be supported?

>	    --- Owen Linderholm

>    Contact: Commodore Business Machines, 1200 Wilson Dr, West
>    Chester, PA 19380; (215) 431-9100; fax (215) 431-9156

>    (I love snap)

>Dan Griffin
Matti Joutkoski, mattij@yj.data.nokia.fi, tel. + 358-0-5673866.

jeff@fang.clearpoint.com (Jeffrey J. Griglack) (02/04/91)

According to the January 28, 1991, issue of PC Week (Page 10):

-Commodore Business machines Inc. release a workstation that spans both
Unix SVR4 and AmigaDOS environments.  The Amiga 3000UX, priced starting at
$5,499, provides both an X Window System and Open Look graphical interface,
according to company officials.

Disclaimer:  Reprinted without permission.  All typos are my own.

Jeff Griglack

Jeff Griglack             |  Yea, I feel terrible.  I should be forced to
jeff@fang.clearpoint.com  |  see "Cats" again.  --From "30 Something"

hood@cbmvax.commodore.com (Scott Hood) (02/04/91)

In article <1991Feb1.160317.27931@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> griffin@eecae.uucp (Danny Griffin) writes:
>Harvey_Taylor@mindlink.UUCP (Harvey Taylor) writes:
>>    So, UniForum was Jan.22-24 & I haven't heard a word about
>> the A3000UX being released. I guess that was just another rumour...
>>    Anybody go to UniForum?
>>    -harvey
>There was an announcement on BIX I believe, and it went something like this:
>TITLE:  Amiga UNIX Box Now Available, Commodore Says
>Commodore's Amiga 3000UX UNIX workstation is finally available, the company
>has announced. The Amiga 3000UX runs AT&T's UNIX System V Release 4 and is
>based around a standard Amiga 3000 with a 68030 processor running at 16
>MHz. The 3000UX also runs X Window and Open Look on top of System V.
>Commodore will offer 2 models of the machine. The 3000UX-B, which retails
>for $5499, comes with 4 MB of fast RAM and a 100- MB hard drive. THe
>3000UX-D, priced at $6999, comes with 8 MB of fast RAM and a 200-MB hard
>drive. They can be expanded to hold up to 18 MB of RAM on the motherboard.
>Both models have an Ethernet board, UNIX system software, mouse, and a
>single 3.5- inch floppy drive that Commodore describes as "multiformat."
>The systems also ship with Commodore's AmigaDOS operating system so that
>they can also function as standard Amiga 3000 computers. The systems
>support NFS and TCP/IP and are designed to operate very much as standard
>UNIX workstations.
>	    --- Owen Linderholm
>    Contact: Commodore Business Machines, 1200 Wilson Dr, West
>    Chester, PA 19380; (215) 431-9100; fax (215) 431-9156
>    (I love snap)
>Dan Griffin

Close, except that the machine is 25Mhz.  

Scott Hood

Scott Hood, Hardware Design Engineer (A3000 Crew),  Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
   {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!hood   hood@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com
  "The views expressed here are not necessarily those of my employer!" 

sck@arnor.uucp (02/05/91)

In article <1991Feb3.002213.7431@terminator.cc.umich.edu>, msiskin@css.itd.umich.edu (Marc Siskin) writes:
|> In article <1991Feb1.235941.6139@arnor.uucp> sck@shed.watson.ibm.com (SC Kennedy) writes:
|> >using four 256 KB ZIPPS instead of one 1 MB ZIPP. This means you have to 
|> >sell/throw out the memory when you upgrade your memory :*( The other version
|> >-- 
|>   On the Educational A3000 I last worked on (and several others that I have
|> talked to the owners of) the 5 Megs of memory were configured as 1 Meg Chip
|> and 4 Megs of 1meg Zips.  None of the 5 meg systems I have seen or heard
|> about had 256K zips in it. 


  That's what I get for appending at midnight. What I meant was that the 5 meg
3000s are being shipped with all banks full using the 1 meg ZIPPS instead
of one bank of 4meg ZIPPS. Not 256k Zipps (my mistake)

Scott C. Kennedy (sck@shed.watson.ibm.com) | "You may say I'm dreamer...
Distributed High Performance Computing     |  but I'm not the only one." 
I.B.M. Thomas J. Watson Research Facility  | John Lennon - Dec. 8, 1980

diamond@cbmvax.commodore.com (Howard Diamond - Ed Marketing) (02/05/91)

In article <4644@mindlink.UUCP> Harvey_Taylor@mindlink.UUCP (Harvey Taylor) writes:
>    So, UniForum was Jan.22-24 & I haven't heard a word about
> the A3000UX being released. I guess that was just another rumour...
>    Anybody go to UniForum?
>    -harvey
>    "When a feudal lord fights in his own territory,
>             he is in dispersive ground." -Sun Tzu
>      Harvey Taylor      Meta Media Productions
>       uunet!van-bc!rsoft!mindlink!Harvey_Taylor
>               a186@mindlink.UUCP

We launched UNIX at Uniforum, and were picked by UNIX today, and other 
reports as one of the hot picks of the show.

Guess you weren't there, eh??


Howard S. Diamond  Director of Education, Commodore Business Machines
1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, Pa, 19380
diamond@cbmvax.commodore.com  215-431-9142

diamond@cbmvax.commodore.com (Howard Diamond - Ed Marketing) (02/05/91)

In article <5019@mentor.cc.purdue.edu> aru@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Sriram Ramkrishna) writes:
>In article <1991Feb1.160317.27931@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> griffin@eecae.uucp (Danny Griffin) writes:
>>Harvey_Taylor@mindlink.UUCP (Harvey Taylor) writes:
>>Commodore will offer 2 models of the machine. The 3000UX-B, which retails
>>for $5499, comes with 4 MB of fast RAM and a 100- MB hard drive. THe
>Whoa...according to a brochure, the regular Amiga 3000/25-100 system
>has a list price of $5798.  You sure this is the right price?  I can't see
>why they would make it cheaper than the ordinary system.  If this is
>true, hell thats great because the educational discount would be worth it.
>What I am thinking is that this is the just the plain CPU unit with only
>that and the tape drive to load up UNIX.  I doubt a monitor is included...
>	Sri

Education Pricing:


A3000UXB (includes 5 Meg, 100 MB HD, ethernet board,UNIX Vr4 etc)

Individual  $4274.00  Institution $3724.00

A3000UXD (includes 9 meg, 200 MB HD ethernet board UNIX Vr4)

Individual  $5399.00  Institution $4699.00


Howard S. Diamond  Director of Education, Commodore Business Machines
1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, Pa, 19380
diamond@cbmvax.commodore.com  215-431-9142

davids@ucscf.UCSC.EDU (Dave Schreiber) (02/05/91)

In article <18550@cbmvax.commodore.com> diamond@cbmvax.commodore.com (Howard Diamond - Ed Marketing) writes:

>Education Pricing:

>A3000UXB (includes 5 Meg, 100 MB HD, ethernet board,UNIX Vr4 etc)

I assume the tape drive is included.  How about a monitor (i.e just what
comes under `etc'?)?

>Individual  $4274.00  Institution $3724.00

How about the prices (educational and retail), on individual items such
as Amiga Unix (for machines bought prior to the introduction), the A2410
board, the tape drive, etc.  Thanks.

>Howard S. Diamond  Director of Education, Commodore Business Machines

Dave Schreiber                                    davids@slugmail.ucsc.edu 
                                or (but not both) davids@ucscf.ucsc.edu
"It was fun learning about logic, but I don't see where or when I will ever
use it again."

matt@telesoft.com (Matt Halls @day) (02/06/91)

>  Education Pricing:
>  A3000UXB (includes 5 Meg, 100 MB HD, ethernet board,UNIX Vr4 etc)
>  Individual  $4274.00  Institution $3724.00
>  A3000UXD (includes 9 meg, 200 MB HD ethernet board UNIX Vr4)
>  Individual  $5399.00  Institution $4699.00
>  -- 
>  Howard S. Diamond  Director of Education, Commodore Business Machines
>  1200 Wilson Drive West Chester, Pa, 19380
>  diamond@cbmvax.commodore.com  215-431-9142

Wow!! these prices are great.  It is too bad I bought a A3000 before
Unix came out.   Is there going to be an upgrade option for all of us
Unix fans who bought too soon.  If there is an upgrade kit is there
going to be an educational discount on it?


  Matt Halls   -    TeleSoft Inc
		    5959 Cornerstone Court Ave