[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Alias->NewCLI RAW:->EndCLI->Frozen Window

andy@cbmvax.commodore.com (Andy Finkel) (02/06/91)

In article <91035.152614LDSHANER@MTUS5.BITNET> LDSHANER@MTUS5.BITNET (Leon D. Shaner) writes:
>In S:Shell-Startup I have the following alias defined:
>alias SpcEmp NewShell "RAW:0/11/704/224/Space8Empire" s:SpcEmp
>and s:SpcEmp looks like:
>OLG:SpcEmp/DSpcEmp "Leon" OLG:SpcEmp/
>The game runs perfectly when I type SpcEmp from a shell, but the raw cli
>window stays there after DSpcEmp exits...
>STATUS shows that the process is running ENDCLI
>There is no message from ENDCLI (i.e. "Process n Ending...")

One possibility is that there's an open filehandle on
the new window, so it can't close.

andy finkel		{uunet|rutgers|amiga}!cbmvax!andy
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