[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Help/warn a programmer soon to get published

bytey@phoenix.pub.uu.oz.au (Chris Hames [bytey]) (02/06/91)

    Ok I have nearly completed a major program for the Amiga,  I will be
talking to publishers and would like some help.  I would like information
or experences about the publishers of Amiga software.  Like is any suspected
to go under!

    This will be my first commercial release and I will most likely be
looking for a company to produce and distribute the program with myself
providing all software & manual(not the physical manual).  The product
will probably range in the $100-$200 area and should have wide appeal.

    A enourmous amount of work has gone into this software so hopefully
you could help me get the returns for the work with your advice.  Being
in Australia is a big disadvantage when dealing with US companies!

Thanks in advance,

Chris Hames - C/Assembler programmer | Fish: DirWork,FSDirs,VMK..|  /~\/ \
              3:633/353  (Fido)      | Commercial:  Soon...      | (  OZ  )
mail bytey@phoenix.pub.uu.oz.au      +---------------------------+ `--'\_/
mail uunet.uu.net!munnari!labtam!eyrie!phoenix!bytey (Use both and hope!)