[comp.sys.amiga.misc] This is really weird... Shapshot problem.

phoenix@ms.uky.edu (R'ykandar Korra'ti) (02/07/91)

     Okay, here's my latest weird problem...
     I have an Amiga 500 with one meg of RAM running WB1.3.2/KS1.2.
I also have a Wedge controller interface and DTC-5060 (the RLL)
controller. The hard drive is a Seagate ST-225. My primary applications
are WordPerfect, VT100V2.6, AmigaUUCP V1.05D (package), Lattice C, and
the AmigaUUCP compatible BBS I'm writing (Alpha version is online and
seems pretty stable so far).
     Here's the problem:
     When I move an icon and Snapshot it, sometimes it doesn't stay.
Hard disk icons _never_ stay snapshotted. Floppy disk icons stay
     This isn't too weird - could be some buffering problem. However:
     Sometimes it will stay. I'll reboot the machine (even power down
and back up) in a couple of days and the icon will appear in the right
     Then, some days later, the icon will move back to the old position.
Sometimes with, sometimes without a reboot inbetween. Sometimes with,
sometimes without a powering down in between.
     The icons _never_ go _anywhere_ except places they've been before;
they're not moving about at random. Also, some icons seem to be worse about
it than others, but all types - project, directory, disk, etc - have been
     This started a couple of months ago, and did not seem to be prompted
by any event. I'm not having any problems with file contents; nothing is
getting scragged. Icons are simply moving about. If I didn't know better,
I'd swear it was someone's idea of a practical joke. VirusX reports a clean
bill of health, and my boot sector was clean last time I checked.
     Anybody got any clues? I'm lost!
                                                       - R'ykandar.
          R'ykandar Korra'ti | Editor, LOW ORBIT Science and Fiction
             "I hate you, you timepiece from Hades." - Plucky Duck
         phoenix@ms.uky.edu | editor@lorbit.UUCP | ukma!lorbit!editor