[comp.sys.amiga.misc] PD BBS

jones@uv4.eglin.af.mil (Calvin Jones, III) (02/05/91)

Steve Tibbett <SteveX@omx.uucp> writes:

> I've got interest in it - matter of fact, I'm almost finished writing
> one. 
> Each user has his own directory.  Most of the main BBS functions are in
> the main BBS program itself, but you can easily (and quite seamlessly)
> write modules that look like BBS functions... 

Won't this come up with a rather horribly fragmented drive if the BBS ends 
up with a LOT of users, say 1500 - 2000.  What's the benefit of 
associating a directory with each user?
   --- Cal
 HOBBIT   / / /  340 Meg Online
  HOLE   / / /  12/24/9600HST bps                   AMIGA:
  ____  / / /  Exclusively   Amiga
  \ \ \/ / /  "Best Amiga BBS in FL"    The computer for the BEST of us!
   \ \ \/ /  July, 1989 Final List(tm)
    \_\_\/  A comfortable place to meet
 Cal Jones, Sysop.  904-243-6219  24Hrs

paul@theborg.mlb.fl.us (Paul Aidukas) (02/05/91)

Unix machines use directories for each user, and I believe they back the
systems up each week or so to tape, and periodically reload-wahla no longer

| Paul Aidukas - Sysop -> Brevard MainFrame BBS! 407-952-6969 24 Hours  /\  |
| Courier HST 14.4    //        Net   : paul@theborg.mlb.fl.us          \/  |
| Amiga 2500/020   _ //      Addresses: olympus.mlb.fl.us!theborg!paul  /\  |
| Later.........   \X/     Bulletin Board Access to UUCP via C-Net BBS /\/\ |

iknight@irncastl.UUCP (Harry Banker) (02/07/91)

>Unix machines use directories for each user, and I believe they back the
>systems up each week or so to tape, and periodically reload-wahla no longer

>| Paul Aidukas - Sysop -> Brevard MainFrame BBS! 407-952-6969 24 Hours  /\  |
>| Courier HST 14.4    //        Net   : paul@theborg.mlb.fl.us          \/  |
>| Amiga 2500/020   _ //      Addresses: olympus.mlb.fl.us!theborg!paul  /\  |
>| Later.........   \X/     Bulletin Board Access to UUCP via C-Net BBS /\/\ |

  Ha!  Yet another system that provides UseNet access to the masses via C-Net
BBS by Ken Pletzer, and I would guess UUCPShell by Brian Vargyas and UUCP
1.08D by Matt Dillon.  Its not TRN or RN, but its easier than gaining access
on a Unix box ;-)

Iron Knight (Harry Banker)                           ///   Amiga...
uunet!tronsbox!irncastl!iknight                     ///   There is NO
Iron Castle BBS (201)822-0527                      ///    Substitute!
12/24/48/9600 v.32/.42/.42bis/MNP              \\\///
C-Net Amiga v1.92r                              \XX/