[comp.sys.amiga.misc] So, where can I get SetLace?

king@motcid.UUCP (Steven King) (02/07/91)

In article <1991Feb5.025355.420@bilver.uucp> alex@bilver.uucp (Alex Matulich) writes:
>I also use a program called SetLace in my startup-sequence which forces
>the 200-line mode to be rendered as interlaced.  It's still 200 lines
>covering the whole screen, but you don't see the individual scan lines
>because 400 lines are being painted.  Uses no extra RAM, and makes the
>200 line mode a bit crisper.

Sounds good to me!  Where can I find this?  I know it's on Fish 009, but
what ftp site *has* ff009?  (Please give a full pathname on that site
as well, if you can.  I have to go through Bitftp which filters out nice
things like recursive directory searches.)  Or, better yet, can some kind
soul simply uuencode the thing and mail it to me?

Two questions about SetLace: First, does it force interlace mode *all*
screens, not just on the Workbench?  I spend about 75% of my time inside
my comm program, so a Workbench-only hack will only be about 25% useful
for me.  Second, is the flicker still perceptible when the scan lines are
simply doubled?

Damn the expletives, full speed ahead!             |        Steven King
                                                   |     Motorola Cellular
                                  (Bob deBeaubien) |   ...uunet!motcid!king