[comp.sys.amiga.misc] SupraRAM problems!!

nealet@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Neale Type) (02/07/91)

help please!

I own the following equipment: 
  Amiga A2000 revision 4.0 motherboard
  2090 controller (early, non-autoboot version)
  2 x ST-506 hard drives
  SupraRAM 2000 with 8 mb, diagnostics fine.

After plugging in the Supra card my hard disk didn't work.
The binddrivers command fails, and subsequently AmigaDOS insists that the hard
drives are not DOS disks. I have tried positioning the cards in many different
slots (no effect) and changing the amount of RAM on the Supra board (no effect)

 If I disable the Supra card using NoFastMem until binddrivers has
run, then the disks come up fine. After this any disk access results
in file corruption, and eventually bad sectors on the disk.

I figured that the Supra card is simply not compatible with my current setup.
When I sent the card back to the dealer with a note saying this and
requesting a refund, I was informed that there would be a 25% re-stocking 
charge for the return of goods, as according to the supplier they are not 

What I need is supporting evidence of failure, to convince the

a) Has anyone *any* information on failures caused by the Supra RAM
card ?

b) Has anyone managed to get it working in an A2000/2090 (rev 4.0)

I would really appreciate some help/replies on this so I can bring
the dealer back into touch with reality. 

Please e-mail me and not waste space on the net. thanx.

Neale Type , Computing Service      ///   | *UK 1990 Kickoff Champion *
University of Sussex, Falmer    \\\///    |     nealet @ syma.sussex.ac.uk 
England.   BN1 9QH               \X//     |      ccfe7 @ cluster.sussex.ac.uk

d37630m@kaira.hut.fi (Mika Ilmaranta) (02/07/91)

I'd say the trouble is that SupraRAM-card doesn't have DMA support and
therefore a2090 controller which is a DMA controller tries to transfer
data to this RAM with drastic consequents.

The solution to this problem is to set the Mask= option in your 
devs:mountlist so that a2090 won't try to use Supra's RAM. You
just found an other way to accomplish this by using NoFastMem, since
no Fast mem is available the buffers are allocated in Chip/Slow mem.
Ofcourse thisway you can't get the best transfer speed with your 
a2090, but is't the only way it works with Supra's 'lame' RAM card.

What we need is AMIGA compatible hard- and software
What bug? It's an undocumented feature!
				- Mika Ilmaranta -

- ilmis@niksula.hut.fi -