[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Commodore Stock Earnings. Awesome NEWS!!!

lord_zar@ucrmath.ucr.edu (wayne wallace) (01/30/91)

Heya, guess what I head this morning ?
CNN was giving their quickie business news, and I swear, the guy SMILED
when he said Commodore earnings last quarter had TRIPLED, yes, TRIPLED, due
in large part to European sales!

Let's hear it for (this is an american writing this) our overseas brethren!!!!
Good job guys!

Commodore, is your European branch doing something the North American branch
doesn't know about ?


*    // Only /\      |Lord Zar,Commander Of All He Surveys|Stay Alert! Trust  *
*\\ //      /--\MIGA |(and hater of spaces near commas.)  |No One! Keep--AHHHH*
* \X/ Internet: lord_zar@ucrmath.ucr.edu QuantumLink & Portal: Lord_Zar       *
* I'm a Purple Hearts & Yellow Moons kinda guy; I'm vay-teeng for you, dahlink*

874226@watt.usask.ca (Shawn Switenky) (01/31/91)

It's great that europeans and bying Commodore stuff, but what is our problem
in North America?

Shawn Switenky

jsmoller@jsmami.UUCP (Jesper Steen Moller) (01/31/91)

In article <lord_zar.665247086@ucrmath>, wayne wallace writes:

> Heya, guess what I head this morning ?
> CNN was giving their quickie business news, and I swear, the guy SMILED
> when he said Commodore earnings last quarter had TRIPLED, yes, TRIPLED, due
> in large part to European sales!

As a European Amiga Developer, I can say that they deserve it!
By the way, does anybody know anything about CNN using Amigas for their
video effects. I've heard a rumour that they use ProVideo Post, but I'd be
grateful if anybody could actually verify this.

> Wayne


Jesper Steen Moller   ///   UUCP: {uuneyt|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!
Maglemosevej 52  __  ///          cbmehq!jsmami!jsmoller
DK-2920 Charl    \\\///  FIDONET: 2:231/84.45
Denmark           \XX/  OPINIONS: Certainly!

jep@mtiame.mtia.oz (Jesper Peterson) (01/31/91)

In article <43259@nigel.ee.udel.edu> 874226@watt.usask.ca (Shawn Switenky) writes:
>It's great that europeans and bying Commodore stuff, but what is our problem
>in North America?

North Americans?

USEnet: jep@mtiame.mtia.oz.au            UUCP: ...!uunet!munnari!mtiame.oz!jep
[...] I had to leave out reality to keep the post clean and to the point.
            - jeremy@milton.u.washington.edu (Jeremy York) in rec.music.misc

peterk@cbmger.UUCP (Peter Kittel GERMANY) (01/31/91)

In article <lord_zar.665247086@ucrmath> lord_zar@ucrmath.ucr.edu (wayne wallace) writes:
>Heya, guess what I head this morning ?
>CNN was giving their quickie business news, and I swear, the guy SMILED
>when he said Commodore earnings last quarter had TRIPLED, yes, TRIPLED, due
>in large part to European sales!
>Let's hear it for (this is an american writing this) our overseas brethren!!!!
>Good job guys!
>Commodore, is your European branch doing something the North American branch
>doesn't know about ?

Oh, the US branch knows very well what's going on, but the market
characteristics are VERY different. Here in Europe (and especially
in Germany), Commodore is able to make some money also with selling
MS-DOS PCs. We are actually number 2, directly competing with IBM,
when we count number of machines. But the PC market in USA is quite
different, thus it is quite another story for Commodore USA to get 
a comparable impact there.

Besides, we're selling also many Amigas and, yes, still many C64's :-)

Best regards, Dr. Peter Kittel  // E-Mail to  \\  Only my personal opinions... 
Commodore Frankfurt, Germany  \X/ {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!cbmger!peterk

rwm@atronx.OCUnix.On.Ca (Russell McOrmond) (01/31/91)

In a message posted on 31 Jan 91 01:15:33 GMT,
874226@watt.usask.ca (Shawn Switenky) wrote:
SS>It's great that europeans and bying Commodore stuff, but what is our problem
SS>in North America?

The belief that MS-DOS is an operating system, The LACK of Computer Literate
citezens (and 'computer scientists'), and the fact that MONEY is considered
more important than Quality in N.A.

Oh, well ;-)

  Opinions expressed in this message are my Own. I represent nobody else.
  Russell McOrmond   rwm@Atronx.OCUnix.On.Ca   {tigris,alzabo,...}!atronx!rwm 
  FidoNet 1:163/109  Net Support: (613) 230-2282
  Amiga-Fidonet Support  1:1/109       Gateway for .Amiga.OCUnix.On.Ca

nfs1675@dsacg3.dsac.dla.mil ( Michael S Figg) (01/31/91)

In article <lord_zar.665247086@ucrmath>, lord_zar@ucrmath.ucr.edu (wayne wallace) writes:
> Commodore, is your European branch doing something the North American branch
> doesn't know about ?
> Wayne

Advertising, possibly? It's a farely new idea, but seems to be working for
IBM and Apple. Unless of course they sell lots of machines because they are
remarkably innovative ;-).


 --------       o       A herd of bagels      | Michael Figg  DSAC-FSD
 |      |  --  oo o o   escaping from a deli. | DLA Systems Automation Center
 |      |  -- ooo oo    Looking for Lox in    | Cols, Ohio mfigg@dsac.dla.mil
 --------      o o      all the wrong places  | CIS: 73777,360    

griff@anvil.intel.com (Richard Griffith) (02/01/91)

[ deleted ]
> Commodore, is your European branch doing something the North American branch
> doesn't know about ?
> Wayne

Well, let's hope computers do the same as art, music, science, and culture.
Ie. Anything Europe loves, Americans love More! :-)

:Richard E. Griffith, "griff" : iNTEL, Hillsboro Ore.
:SCA!: Cyrus Hammerhand, Household of the Golden Wolf, Dragons' Mist, An Tir 
:These are MY opinions, if iNTEL wanted them, They'd pay for `em!

peterk@cbmger.UUCP (Peter Kittel GERMANY) (02/02/91)

In article <2911@dsacg3.dsac.dla.mil> nfs1675@dsacg3.dsac.dla.mil ( Michael S Figg) writes:
>In article <lord_zar.665247086@ucrmath>, lord_zar@ucrmath.ucr.edu (wayne wallace) writes:
>> Commodore, is your European branch doing something the North American branch
>> doesn't know about ?
>Advertising, possibly? It's a farely new idea, but seems to be working for
>IBM and Apple. Unless of course they sell lots of machines because they are
>remarkably innovative ;-).

No, at least in Germany there is not sooo much advertising.

Best regards, Dr. Peter Kittel  // E-Mail to  \\  Only my personal opinions... 
Commodore Frankfurt, Germany  \X/ {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!cbmger!peterk

amhartma@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (Andy Hartman - AmigaMan) (02/02/91)

In article <1991Feb1.153324.22070@intelhf.hf.intel.com> griff@anvil.intel.com (Richard Griffith) writes:
>Well, let's hope computers do the same as art, music, science, and culture.
>Ie. Anything Europe loves, Americans love More! :-)

Except for unshaven legs, maybe... ;-)

>:Richard E. Griffith, "griff" : iNTEL, Hillsboro Ore.

* Andy Hartman       | I'd deny half of this crap anyway!| Support the troops
* Indiana University |   amhartma@silver.ucs.indiana.edu |  in Saudi Arabia! 
*  Computer Science  |   AMHARTMA@rose.ucs.indiana.edu   |     // Amiga Man 
*Professional Student|        or just "Hey putz!"        |   \X/  At Large!

etxtomp@eos.ericsson.se (Tommy Petersson) (02/04/91)

In article <823@cbmger.UUCP> peterk@cbmger.UUCP (Peter Kittel GERMANY) writes:
>In article <2911@dsacg3.dsac.dla.mil> nfs1675@dsacg3.dsac.dla.mil ( Michael S Figg) writes:
>>In article <lord_zar.665247086@ucrmath>, lord_zar@ucrmath.ucr.edu (wayne wallace) writes:
>>> Commodore, is your European branch doing something the North American branch
>>> doesn't know about ?
>>Advertising, possibly? It's a farely new idea, but seems to be working for
>>IBM and Apple. Unless of course they sell lots of machines because they are
>>remarkably innovative ;-).
>No, at least in Germany there is not sooo much advertising.
>Best regards, Dr. Peter Kittel  // E-Mail to  \\  Only my personal opinions... 
>Commodore Frankfurt, Germany  \X/ {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!cbmger!peterk

Commodore seems to concentrate on "Football advertising" (soccer for you on
the side of the Atlantic, where feet seems to be placed at the end of your
arms). I looked at parts of some football games this weekend. There was an
indoor tournament Dynamo Kiev won, I beleive in Paris, where "Commodore" was
spotted easily. Arsenal - Chelsey (sp) showed a large Commodore sign, and
the same from a game in Italy. I didn't look at any German games this weekend,
but I've seen before that at least two teams have Commodore on their shirts.

"Kick Your Amiga!"

Commodore Sweden had some dubious advertising about two years ago, but has
stopped that. They seem however a little more interested in what they are
doing nowadays.

Tommy Petersson

peterk@cbmger.UUCP (Peter Kittel GERMANY) (02/05/91)

In article <1991Feb4.124951.15702@ericsson.se> etxtomp@eos.ericsson.se writes:
>In article <823@cbmger.UUCP> peterk@cbmger.UUCP (Peter Kittel GERMANY) writes:
>>In article <2911@dsacg3.dsac.dla.mil> nfs1675@dsacg3.dsac.dla.mil ( Michael S Figg) writes:
>>>In article <lord_zar.665247086@ucrmath>, lord_zar@ucrmath.ucr.edu (wayne wallace) writes:
>>>> Commodore, is your European branch doing something the North American branch
>>>> doesn't know about ?
>>>Advertising, possibly? It's a farely new idea, but seems to be working for
>>>IBM and Apple. Unless of course they sell lots of machines because they are
>>>remarkably innovative ;-).
>>No, at least in Germany there is not sooo much advertising.
>Commodore seems to concentrate on "Football advertising" (soccer for you on
>the side of the Atlantic, where feet seems to be placed at the end of your
>arms). I looked at parts of some football games this weekend. There was an
>indoor tournament Dynamo Kiev won, I beleive in Paris, where "Commodore" was
>spotted easily. Arsenal - Chelsey (sp) showed a large Commodore sign, and
>the same from a game in Italy. I didn't look at any German games this weekend,
>but I've seen before that at least two teams have Commodore on their shirts.

The Chelsea team seems to be sponsored by Commodore UK.

Perhaps some people remember, Commodore Germany has sponsored for years
the football (I'm speaking of 'real' football :-) team of Bayern Muenchen,
one of the top European teams. But this is past. Today Commodore Germany
only sponsors an ice-hockey team in the first league and perhaps some
volleyball (sp?) team. For some time even the German national volleyball
team played with Commodore stickers!

Best regards, Dr. Peter Kittel  // E-Mail to  \\  Only my personal opinions... 
Commodore Frankfurt, Germany  \X/ {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!cbmger!peterk

nfs1675@dsacg3.dsac.dla.mil ( Michael S Figg) (02/07/91)

In article <836@cbmger.UUCP>, peterk@cbmger.UUCP (Peter Kittel GERMANY) writes:
>                                                  Today Commodore Germany
> only sponsors an ice-hockey team in the first league and perhaps some
> volleyball (sp?) team. For some time even the German national volleyball
> team played with Commodore stickers!

Does the volleyball team use a red and white checkerboard ball that      
continually bounces off the walls and ceiling?

> -- 
> Best regards, Dr. Peter Kittel  // E-Mail to  \\  Only my personal opinions... 


 --------       o       A herd of bagels      | Michael Figg  DSAC-FSD
 |      |  --  oo o o   escaping from a deli. | DLA Systems Automation Center
 |      |  -- ooo oo    Looking for Lox in    | Cols, Ohio mfigg@dsac.dla.mil
 --------      o o      all the wrong places  | CIS: 73777,360