[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Need help to mount MSH:

GELSON%SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR@uicvm.uic.edu (Gelson Dias Santos) (01/28/91)

     Hello people,

     I am a beginner who want to transfer some PD software to my Amiga, using a
PC clone to save it in a 3 1/2 floppy. To read the IBM disk in my Amiga, I
intend to use the MSH: handler, but I don't know how to write the correct
MountList for my system. My system is an A500 stock (only 1 disk drive, 512K
and the new Agnus chip). The PC have a standard drive (720K). I don't know how
many tracks and sectors it have.

     Thanks in advance.

         *****    # Gelson Dias Santos                #
   /\/\       **  # BITNET: GELSON@SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR  #  Please, don't look my
  /    \-------\* # HOME: Av. Bento Goncalves 948/12  # grammar/spelling errors.
 ! 0  0 !    _  ! #       Porto Alegre - RS CEP:90650 # I am learning english !
 !  ^^  !   (   ! #       Brazil                      #
  \_()_/  _(    ) #=============================================================
 (__(____(_____)  #     Alguem ai fala portugues?     #

rhialto@cs.kun.nl (Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert) (01/30/91)

In article <42944@nigel.ee.udel.edu> GELSON%SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR@uicvm.uic.edu (Gelson Dias Santos) writes:
>     Hello people,
>I intend to use the MSH: handler, but I don't know how to write the correct
>MountList for my system. My system is an A500 stock (only 1 disk drive, 512K
>and the new Agnus chip). The PC have a standard drive (720K). I don't know how
>many tracks and sectors it have.

The Mountlist as distributed with MSH: will be almost OK for your case.
You only have to change the Unit = 1 into Unit = 0, so that DF0: is used
for MSH: instead of DF1:. All other things usually don't have to change
(much). Only if you want to have all MSH related files on a special disk
you'll want to use absolute path names for Device = DISK:devs/messydisk.device
and FileSystem = DISK:l/MessyFileSystem.

>     Thanks in advance.
>         *****    # Gelson Dias Santos                #
Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert                               rhialto@cs.kun.nl
How can you be so stupid if you're identical to me? -Robert Silverberg

mack@wizard.ruhr.de (Jochen Erwied) (01/30/91)

In article <42944@nigel.ee.udel.edu>, Gelson Dias Santos writes:

>     I am a beginner who want to transfer some PD software to my Amiga, using a
>PC clone to save it in a 3 1/2 floppy. To read the IBM disk in my Amiga, I
>intend to use the MSH: handler, but I don't know how to write the correct
>MountList for my system. My system is an A500 stock (only 1 disk drive, 512K
>and the new Agnus chip). The PC have a standard drive (720K). I don't know how
>many tracks and sectors it have.

Should be included in the documentation somewhere, but here is an entry
for using df0: as ms0:

/* Messy file system on messy blocks: */
MS0:    FileSystem = l:MessyFileSystem
        Device = devs:messydisk.device
        Unit = 0
        Flags = 0
        LowCyl = 0 ; HighCyl = 79
        Reserved = 0
        Surfaces = 2
        BlocksPerTrack = 9
        Buffers = 5
        BufMemType = 1  /* messydisk needs no chip mem */
        BootPri = 0
        Stacksize = 4096
        Priority = 5
        GlobVec  = -1

Jochen Erwied          | (inside Germany) mack@wizard.ruhr.de
Emil-Figge-Str. 3/005  | erwied%wastl@laura.informatik.uni-dortmund.de
W-4600 Dortmund 1, FRG | +49-231-750331 (data) +49-231-756081 (voice)
-----------------------+ "I'm not a number, I'm a FREE man" - "hahaha..."

m0154@tnc.UUCP (GUY GARNETT) (01/31/91)

I'm having a problem with MessyDOS; I modified the supplied mountlist
so that I had MS0: (on df0:) and MS1: (on df1:), and have indeed
gotten the thing to work.  My problem is that whenever I read a
diskette (from either MS0: or MS1:, and no matter whether it was
formatted with PC-DOS 3.x or Atari ST) everything (and I *DO* mean
everything) shows up as a directory.  The files are shown as
directories, the disk label, and the directories, too!  I can copy the
files one by one to an Amiga disk, and then they are fine, but I was
wondering if there's a bug fix or change I should make to correct this


David.Plummer@f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Plummer) (02/01/91)

[questions about MSH on two drives]
I could be mistaken, but I was under the impression that you could only 
run one copy of the messy device at a time... if you wanted to have two 
drives both running under the MSH file system, you would have to make an 
extra copy of the library and reflect that in your mountlist.  Correct 
me if I'm wrong!

David Plummer - via FidoNet node 1:140/22
UUCP: ...!herald!weyr!70!David.Plummer
Domain: David.Plummer@f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG
Standard Disclaimers Apply...

amk@zikzak.in-berlin.de (Andreas M. Kirchwitz) (02/03/91)

In article <54.27AA5E52@weyr.FIDONET.ORG>, David Plummer writes:

> I could be mistaken, but I was under the impression that you could only
> run one copy of the messy device at a time... if you wanted to have two
> drives both running under the MSH file system, you would have to make an
> extra copy of the library and reflect that in your mountlist.  Correct
> me if I'm wrong!

Hmm, I've no problems running two drives with the messy-file-system.
The one mounted as MSH: (df1:) the other as MESSY: (df0:).  Both differs
only at the mountlist's "Unit" entry.   (A1000, 2.5MB, KS/WB 1.3)

  Andreas M. Kirchwitz, Seesener Str. 69, D-1000 Berlin 31, FRG, +49 30 873376
 /   __                      Domain: amk@zikzak.in-berlin.de, IRC-Nick: 'bonzo'
/___(oo)_________________________________ Bang: ...!unido!fub!unlisys!zikzak!amk
   "    "

GELSON%SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR@uicvm.uic.edu (Gelson Dias Santos) (02/07/91)

   Hello people,

   Thanks for your help. MSH is working fine now! I don't know exactly what was
wrong in the first time I tried to mount it, but I repeated all steps (from
unpack to Mount) and it worked.
   Now, I have only a little problem. MSH say all files are directories! But I
can copy and run without problems...

         *****    # Gelson Dias Santos                #
   /\/\       **  # BITNET: GELSON@SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR  #  Please, don't look my
  /    \-------\* # HOME: Av. Bento Goncalves 948/12  # grammar/spelling errors.
 ! 0  0 !    _  ! #       Porto Alegre - RS CEP:90620 # I am learning english !
 !  ^^  !   (   ! #       Brazil                      #
  \_()_/  _(    ) #=============================================================
 (__(____(_____)  #     Alguem ai fala portugues?     #