[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Using commercial printers

dale@b17b.INGR.COM (Dale Rogers) (02/07/91)

I've just purchased an A2500/30.  I want to be able to output my graphic
designs to a Lineatronic printer (There are a number of them in my city).
However, the Printing places don't know much about Amigas.  They do however
know about Macs. What I need to know is:

Can Macs read an Amiga disk?
Is there a short and sweet method of transfering Amiga files to a Macintosh
Do my floppies have to be formatted with a Mac drive to accomplish this?



Dale R. Rogers _________________________________________________

higgin@cbmvax.commodore.com (Paul Higginbottom - CATS) (02/07/91)

In article <694@b17b.INGR.COM> dale@b17b.INGR.COM (Dale Rogers) writes:
$[...]  I want to be able to output my graphic
$designs to a Lineatronic printer (There are a number of them in my city).
$However, the Printing places don't know much about Amigas.  They do however
$know about Macs. What I need to know is:
$Can Macs read an Amiga disk?


$Is there a short and sweet method of transfering Amiga files to a Macintosh

Remember you should transfer the PostScript output of whatever program
you're using and not the desktop publishing file, for example.

By modem is one way.  Another way is to use something like Cross DOS to
put them in DOS format.  Service bureaus can usually deal with PC
