[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Atari vs. Amiga Flamefests ...

lou@vaxsc (02/07/91)

	I realize this should probably be posted over in comp.sys.advocacy
	but ...  sorry for the waste of space.

	Have you ever noticed how the Amiga vs. Atari wars usually end up
	with both sides saying the same things?  For example,

	"The Amiga does multitasking better than Atari ..." (example only!)
	"The Atari does Audio / DTP better than Amiga ..." (example only!)

	etc.  You get the idea.  The above lines are NOT open for debate!
	They are presented only as examples of such lines used in flamefests.

	So, why is this?  I have a clue that both sides are rathar insecure
	about their purchase, and I suspect that the culprit is neither Atari
	nor Commodore, but the multitudes of IBM/PC and MAC owners out there.
	How many times can you Amiga AND Atari owners count that PC owners
	have attempted to trash your machine?  You may know the machine is 
	better, and you may have even convinced a few others of this fact,
	but in general, how many times have you been left feeling as the butt
	end of the purchase, primarily because the masses disagree with your
	point of view, and instead of them attempting to recognize you, and
	ACCEPT you, they contend that "they're better than you".

	Further, doesn't it ring especially true when you want to go and buy
	a software or hardware item for either the Amiga or the Atari?  You
	find acres of store space devoted to PC's and MAC's but nothing (or
	next to nothing) for the Amiga or the Atari?   Ok so some of you in
	the VERY large metropolitan areas (i.e. LA, New York, Chicago, London)
	may have dealers close by.  Great!  I'm happy for you.  But there are
	others of us who live in metropolitan areas, albeit smaller ones, 
	who are STILL forced to use mail order because of a lack of stores
	which carry supplies/software/hardware relating to either the Amiga
	or the Atari!

	Finally, I have only seen one post which brought out the truth of the
	matter before.  Flamefests typically generate large arguments with 
	very little point to them, and this one seems to be no exception.
	But the truth still remains.  The original question, for what purpose
	did you buy YOUR computer, and does it STILL serve that purpose must
	be asked.  Hopefully, it will be asked before you recommend or flame
	another machine.  I see posts asking for advice continually on 
	which machine should I buy, and why, but I rarely ever see the most
	important question in the reply.   That question being, "What do you
	intend to use the machine for?"  

	Further, manufacturers are not guiltless in this campaign.  They have
	different motives, motives which usually do not take into consideration
	that it is PEOPLE that use their machines.  IBM and APPLE are famous
	for obsoleting their hardware as soon as you've purchased it.  But they
	are not alone, and this attitude in the personal computer industry is
	prevalent.  This further aggravates the buyer into a position of doubt
	about his/her purchase.

	So now that I've opened myself up to yet another flamefest from the
	PC/MAC users out there, allow me to squelch it now.  I am NOT 
	attempting to say that they ALONE are responsible for these attitudes.
	There seems to be a general consensus in the personal computer industry
	that the following things are important:

		1.   If my machine is better than yours, you should own
		     the same thing as I do.

		2.   If my machine can do more than yours, then your machine
		     should be driven out of existance.

		3.   My machine is so great that I can withstand any amount
	 	     of upgrading, because it will only make a great machine

	Beginning to sound like a materialistic society yet?

	Remember, these are PEOPLE who use these machines, not the other
	way around.  Before you flame somebody because their machine is 
	different, go look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself,
	"Is there something about me that could be better?"  Specifically
	"Why should I make them feel poorly about their purchase, simply
	because it's different?  Perhaps they have different needs than I.
	Further, would I want them to make fun of my purchase?"

	I, for one, have had just about enough of the materialistic values
	of most personal computer owners out there, and worse yet, the spread
	of these values (or lack thereof).

	Just my $0.02 worth.  Please send flames to /dev/null
	Please send followups to .advocacy (of whatever group/machine you

lou@vaxsc (02/07/91)

	I realize this should probably be posted over in comp.sys.advocacy
	but ...  sorry for the waste of space.

	Have you ever noticed how the Amiga vs. Atari wars usually end up
	with both sides saying the same things?  For example,

	"The Amiga does multitasking better than Atari ..." (example only!)
	"The Atari does Audio / DTP better than Amiga ..." (example only!)

	etc.  You get the idea.  The above lines are NOT open for debate!
	They are presented only as examples of such lines used in flamefests.

	So, why is this?  I have a clue that both sides are rathar insecure
	about their purchase, and I suspect that the culprit is neither Atari
	nor Commodore, but the multitudes of IBM/PC and MAC owners out there.
	How many times can you Amiga AND Atari owners count that PC owners
	have attempted to trash your machine?  You may know the machine is 
	better, and you may have even convinced a few others of this fact,
	but in general, how many times have you been left feeling as the butt
	end of the purchase, primarily because the masses disagree with your
	point of view, and instead of them attempting to recognize you, and
	ACCEPT you, they contend that "they're better than you".

	Further, doesn't it ring especially true when you want to go and buy
	a software or hardware item for either the Amiga or the Atari?  You
	find acres of store space devoted to PC's and MAC's but nothing (or
	next to nothing) for the Amiga or the Atari?   Ok so some of you in
	the VERY large metropolitan areas (i.e. LA, New York, Chicago, London)
	may have dealers close by.  Great!  I'm happy for you.  But there are
	others of us who live in metropolitan areas, albeit smaller ones, 
	who are STILL forced to use mail order because of a lack of stores
	which carry supplies/software/hardware relating to either the Amiga
	or the Atari!

	Finally, I have only seen one post which brought out the truth of the
	matter before.  Flamefests typically generate large arguments with 
	very little point to them, and this one seems to be no exception.
	But the truth still remains.  The original question, for what purpose
	did you buy YOUR computer, and does it STILL serve that purpose must
	be asked.  Hopefully, it will be asked before you recommend or flame
	another machine.  I see posts asking for advice continually on 
	which machine should I buy, and why, but I rarely ever see the most
	important question in the reply.   That question being, "What do you
	intend to use the machine for?"  

	Further, manufacturers are not guiltless in this campaign.  They have
	different motives, motives which usually do not take into consideration
	that it is PEOPLE that use their machines.  IBM and APPLE are famous
	for obsoleting their hardware as soon as you've purchased it.  But they
	are not alone, and this attitude in the personal computer industry is
	prevalent.  This further aggravates the buyer into a position of doubt
	about his/her purchase.

	So now that I've opened myself up to yet another flamefest from the
	PC/MAC users out there, allow me to squelch it now.  I am NOT 
	attempting to say that they ALONE are responsible for these attitudes.
	There seems to be a general consensus in the personal computer industry
	that the following things are important:

		1.   If my machine is better than yours, you should own
		     the same thing as I do.

		2.   If my machine can do more than yours, then your machine
		     should be driven out of existance.

		3.   My machine is so great that I can withstand any amount
	 	     of upgrading, because it will only make a great machine

	Beginning to sound like a materialistic society yet?

	Remember, these are PEOPLE who use these machines, not the other
	way around.  Before you flame somebody because their machine is 
	different, go look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself,
	"Is there something about me that could be better?"  Specifically
	"Why should I make them feel poorly about their purchase, simply
	because it's different?  Perhaps they have different needs than I.
	Further, would I want them to make fun of my purchase?"

	I, for one, have had just about enough of the materialistic values
	of most personal computer owners out there, and worse yet, the spread
	of these values (or lack thereof).

	Just my $0.02 worth.  Please send flames to /dev/null
	Please send followups to .advocacy (of whatever group/machine you

        -Lou Williams            Via Bitnet :   william8@niehs.bitnet
                                Via Internet:   lou@vaxsc.niehs.nih.gov
        Computer Sciences Corporation,    Research Triangle Park, NC
        -Sometimes in order to feel better about yourself, you have to
        make others feel bad, and I'm tired of making others feel good
        about themselves.               -Homer Simpson.