[comp.sys.amiga.misc] SKsh and A3000

greendog@max.physics.sunysb.edu (Michael D Fischer) (02/01/91)

A few months ago I recall people talking about problems with SKsh
on A3000's...  of course I didn't pay attention because I doubted
I'd get an A3000.  Now that I just GOT one, I am going through
withdrawl from SKsh.  It was the best program I had!  Is there any
patch for it, or a new "fixed" release expected soon?  If not, can
anyone suggest a replacement shell?  Preferably one where / (for
root dir) and .. (for previous dir) work correctly?  Thanks...


-        Michael D. Fischer       |   greendog@max.physics.sunysb.edu   -
-      S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook    |   mfische@csserv1.ic.sunysb.edu     -

koren@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Steve Koren) (02/05/91)

> greendog@max.physics.sunysb.edu (Michael D Fischer) writes:

> A few months ago I recall people talking about problems with SKsh
> on A3000's...  of course I didn't pay attention because I doubted
> I'd get an A3000.  Now that I just GOT one, I am going through
> withdrawl from SKsh.  It was the best program I had!  Is there any
> patch for it, or a new "fixed" release expected soon?  If not, can

Kim DeVaughn is working on a A3000 compatible version of SKsh.  However,
I'm not sure exactly what its present status is, as I haven't been able
to contact Kim recently.

Until then, there is a reported workaround which I have not been able
to verify.  Supposedly, one can run "NoFastMem" to remove fast memory,
then load an SKsh, and then immediately run NoFastMem to put the fast
memory back.  Several people have reported that this works, and that it
need not be repeated for subsequent SKsh's.  I haven't verified this
myself, but you might want to try it.  Hope it helps.

  - steve

kent@swrinde.nde.swri.edu (Kent D. Polk) (02/06/91)

In article <26690@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU> pm0@springs.cis.ufl.edu (Patrick Martin) writes:
>What you have to do to get it to run is:  1) Set it up like the directions
>say then 2) Place a lock on the file s:.skshinit (You can do this by
>loading .skshinit into an editor and putting the window into the background.
>I would like to know how to put a lock on the file without going to this
>extreme.  (Still an Amiga novice)  Anyways, now run skshinit like you
>normally would and it should run fine.  It does on my A3000 anyways.

The nofastmem method doesn't work on any of the A3000's I tried it on.

I was the one who discovered the method of placing a lock on
s:.skshinit to startup up Sksh on an A3000. I have tried various
methods of putting a lock on s:.skshinit, and not all of them work.
Unfortunately, I don't know about the inner workings of this stuff & so
don't have too many easy suggestions. If anyone can shed some light on
this matter, I sure would appreciate it.

Kent Polk: Southwest Research Institute (512) 522-2882
Internet : kent@swrinde.nde.swri.edu
UUCP     : $ {cs.utexas.edu, gatech!petro, sun!texsun}!swrinde!kent

kutem@rtsg.mot.com (Jon Kutemeier) (02/07/91)

> <1126@swrinde.nde.swri.edu>

>The nofastmem method doesn't work on any of the A3000's I tried it on.
>I was the one who discovered the method of placing a lock on
>s:.skshinit to startup up Sksh on an A3000. I have tried various
>methods of putting a lock on s:.skshinit, and not all of them work.
>Unfortunately, I don't know about the inner workings of this stuff & so
>don't have too many easy suggestions. If anyone can shed some light on
>this matter, I sure would appreciate it.
>Kent Polk: Southwest Research Institute (512) 522-2882
>Internet : kent@swrinde.nde.swri.edu
>UUCP     : $ {cs.utexas.edu, gatech!petro, sun!texsun}!swrinde!kent

I've gotten the nofastmem method to work on my A3000, but only for
the first shell. Once I try to open another shell, the machine locks
up, even though the nofastmem is run again. I have tried a couple
of different ways of putting a lock on s:.skshinit, but haven't 
found an acceptable way that allows SKsh to run. How did you do it?

Jon Kutemeier_________________________________________________________________
----------------Software Engineer               /XX\/XX\  phone:(708) 632-5433
Motorola Inc.   Radio Telephone Systems Group  ///\XX/\\\ fax:  (708) 632-4430
1501 W. Shure Drive, Arlington Heights, IL 60004    uucp: !uunet!motcid!kutemj

pm0@springs.cis.ufl.edu (Patrick Martin) (02/07/91)

In article <1126@swrinde.nde.swri.edu> kent@swrinde.nde.swri.edu (Kent D. Polk) writes:
>In article <26690@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU> pm0@springs.cis.ufl.edu (Patrick Martin) writes:
>>What you have to do to get it to run is:  1) Set it up like the directions
>>say then 2) Place a lock on the file s:.skshinit (You can do this by
>>loading .skshinit into an editor and putting the window into the background.
>>I would like to know how to put a lock on the file without going to this
>>extreme.  (Still an Amiga novice)  Anyways, now run skshinit like you
                                         I meant to say sksh

>>normally would and it should run fine.  It does on my A3000 anyways.

>s:.skshinit to startup up Sksh on an A3000. I have tried various
>methods of putting a lock on s:.skshinit, and not all of them work.

Which ones do work?  I don't like the idea of running a dummy editor in the


koren@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Steve Koren) (02/08/91)

Kent Polk writes:

> I was the one who discovered the method of placing a lock on

> Unfortunately, I don't know about the inner workings of this stuff & so
> don't have too many easy suggestions. If anyone can shed some light on
> this matter, I sure would appreciate it.

That is mighty strange.  The only thing I can think of which would be
affected by an existing lock is the code which opens .skshinit for
reading.  Its pretty normal code, though - just uses Open() to open
the file and get a file handle.  I'll look at it tonight and see if I
can see something strange with it.

   - steve