[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A2000/500 pricing

jc@cel.co.uk (jerry cullingford) (02/08/91)

In article <858@cbmger.UUCP> peterk@cbmger.UUCP (Peter Kittel GERMANY) writes:
>If you really want to do serious text processing and accounting,
>I wouldn't recommend the cheapest model (plain A500). Perhaps you
>should consider an A2000, which is not so much more expensive here
>in Europe. Expandability is better, see below.
>Best regards, Dr. Peter Kittel  // E-Mail to  \\  Only my personal opinions...>Commodore Frankfurt, Germany  \X/ {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!cbmger!peterk

While I think the 2000 is a nice machine (after all, I upgraded to a 2000
from my original 1000 :-) I'm a little surprised at the "not much more
expensive" description. Over here in the UK a 2000 is 2.5 - 3 times more
expensive than a 500, and the difference would probably pay for a hard drive
and some extra memory. That's quite a lot to pay for the extra expandabilty -
It was worth it to me, since I wanted to be able to use lots of extra stuff,
and I like the seperate keyboard, built in PSU and solid case - particularly
since I'm pushed for desk space. (Every time I need to open the case to add
something new, I'm impressed by the design - Commodore did an excellent job
of making it easy to get at things! I hope the 3000 is as good..)

Anyway, back to the original point - Is the German pricing that much
different? If so, why?

And still on the subject of pricing, given that Commodore can afford to
give educational discounts to students in the US, why don't they consider
doing something for the people who've supported the Amiga so far, like
some form of discount on 3000s for existing owners?

+-----------------------------------------------------------------+     |
| Jerry Cullingford   jc@cel.co.uk  or  jc@crosfield.co.uk        |   ,-|--
| #include <std.disclaimer>  Amiga! 2,000,000+ and counting....   |   \_|__
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