[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Reading from Stdin

michael@gem.stack.urc.tue.nl (Michael Brouwer) (02/08/91)

I have a vt220 hooked up to my serial port, and run and I run SKsh 1.6 on an
AUX: shell at 19200 baud. This works fine, but...

I'm trying to compile and editor that works on AUX: as well as CON: (without
opening a new window) Everything works fine except the input. If I use getc()
It reads 1 char but it waits for a return first and CON: as wel as AUX: echo
there input immidiatly. What I am looking for is a way to read one character
from STDIN or Input() without CON: or AUX: echoing it and without waiting for
a CR before sending the whole line.

I think I have to put CON: or AUX: in raw mode to achive this.

I know this is possible because MORE v 3.27 (from CBM) does read correctly, and
works with AUX: and CON:.

If anyone knows how to do this please send me a source or something
the source for more would probably do the trick.

                                     Michael Brouwer

Any replys are welcome