[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Project: A Public Domain BBS System...

dinn@ug.cs.dal.ca (Michael Dinn) (01/29/91)

Is there any interest in writing a multi-user, modular BBS system for 
machines capable of handling such? I was thinking along the lines of
a system with getty (a la Unix style), and so forth. 

  Each "section" of the BBS would be self contained, and could be written
independently. Each user would have a subdirectory, and each program, or
module for the BBS would have its own subdirectory. It should be really easy,
then, to make it multi user and fast, too...

   If there is any interest in this sort of project, then please reply to

 Michael Dinn, Sysop of the Moose's Swamp - Nova Scotia's largest Amiga BBS
 +1 (902) 463-0483, 3/12/24/48/96/14,400 baud * 170 Megabytes online
 Full Internet/Bitnet subscribing to the BBS is available. Send mail.
 Home:   moose%swamp@tmpor.UUCP (Amiga1000/BBS) +--------------------------
 School: mdinn@ac.dal.ca, mdinn@dalac.bitnet    | These are my opinions and
 Work:   01Moose@ac.dal.ca, 01Moose@dalac.bitnet| noone else's. (blame me :-)

SteveX@omx.UUCP (Steve Tibbett) (02/03/91)

In article <1991Jan29.155331.18434@cs.dal.ca> dinn@ug.cs.dal.ca (Michael Dinn) writes:
>Is there any interest in writing a multi-user, modular BBS system for 
>machines capable of handling such? I was thinking along the lines of
>a system with getty (a la Unix style), and so forth. 
>  Each "section" of the BBS would be self contained, and could be written
>independently. Each user would have a subdirectory, and each program, or
>module for the BBS would have its own subdirectory. It should be really easy,
>then, to make it multi user and fast, too...

I've got interest in it - matter of fact, I'm almost finished writing

Each user has his own directory.  Most of the main BBS functions are in
the main BBS program itself, but you can easily (and quite seamlessly)
write modules that look like BBS functions...

   ...Steve Tibbett...bix=s.tibbett...Plink=STEVEX...BBS=613-731-3419...
              ...VirusX=4.01...Insert Disclaimer Here...

cr1@beach.cis.ufl.edu (Anubis) (02/04/91)

In article <5005@vela.acs.oakland.edu> hastoerm@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Moriland) writes:
>In article <SteveX.3330@omx.UUCP> SteveX@omx.UUCP (Steve Tibbett) writes:
>:In article <1991Jan29.155331.18434@cs.dal.ca> dinn@ug.cs.dal.ca (Michael Dinn) writes:
>:>Is there any interest in writing a multi-user, modular BBS system for 
>:>machines capable of handling such? I was thinking along the lines of
>:>a system with getty (a la Unix style), and so forth. 

I'm very interested.  One thing the Amiga needs is more really good
BBS systems in Shareware and PD.  I think that's one of the most important
pieces of software to have...

>:>  Each "section" of the BBS would be self contained, and could be written
>:>independently. Each user would have a subdirectory, and each program, or
>:>module for the BBS would have its own subdirectory. It should be really easy,
>:>then, to make it multi user and fast, too...
>:I've got interest in it - matter of fact, I'm almost finished writing
>:Each user has his own directory.  Most of the main BBS functions are in
>:the main BBS program itself, but you can easily (and quite seamlessly)
>:write modules that look like BBS functions...
>:   ...Steve Tibbett...bix=s.tibbett...Plink=STEVEX...BBS=613-731-3419...
>:              ...VirusX=4.01...Insert Disclaimer Here...

Steve Tibbett is writing a BBS?  There is a god! There is a god!

>I'm glad to hear someone is working on one that will be Shareware. As
>a Beta-Tester for Atredes (Now known as Skyline) and an owner of
>Paragon V2.0xx and after having used several of the PD BBSs out for
>the IBM such as TAG and Opus, I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever
>have a decent PD/Shareware BBS program out for the Amiga. I was trying
>to write one myself, but I don't know C well enough yet to make it
>Ah well..
>				--Moriland
I just have to put in a plug for TAG.  I'm running TAG 6.04 right now, and
it's one of the most decent bbs's out for the Amiga.  You can't beat
the price, it has doors, user friendly, nice message base, good
features, color...and the author is constantly updating it.  

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=That is not dead which may eternal lie-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
*     Christoper Roth                         *  "Machines have no 
*     InterNet  :  cr1@beach.cis.ufl.edu      *   Conscience..."
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Yet with strange eons even death may die-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

hastoerm@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Moriland) (02/05/91)

In article <26663@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU> cr1@beach.cis.ufl.edu () writes:
:In article <5005@vela.acs.oakland.edu> hastoerm@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Moriland) writes:
:>In article <SteveX.3330@omx.UUCP> SteveX@omx.UUCP (Steve Tibbett) writes:
:>:In article <1991Jan29.155331.18434@cs.dal.ca> dinn@ug.cs.dal.ca (Michael Dinn) writes:
:>:>Is there any interest in writing a multi-user, modular BBS system for 
:>:>machines capable of handling such? I was thinking along the lines of
:>:>a system with getty (a la Unix style), and so forth. 
:I'm very interested.  One thing the Amiga needs is more really good
:BBS systems in Shareware and PD.  I think that's one of the most important
:pieces of software to have...
:>:>  Each "section" of the BBS would be self contained, and could be written
:>:>independently. Each user would have a subdirectory, and each program, or
:>:>module for the BBS would have its own subdirectory. It should be really easy,
:>:>then, to make it multi user and fast, too...
:>:I've got interest in it - matter of fact, I'm almost finished writing
:>:Each user has his own directory.  Most of the main BBS functions are in
:>:the main BBS program itself, but you can easily (and quite seamlessly)
:>:write modules that look like BBS functions...
:>:   ...Steve Tibbett...bix=s.tibbett...Plink=STEVEX...BBS=613-731-3419...
:>:              ...VirusX=4.01...Insert Disclaimer Here...
:Steve Tibbett is writing a BBS?  There is a god! There is a god!
:>I'm glad to hear someone is working on one that will be Shareware. As
:>a Beta-Tester for Atredes (Now known as Skyline) and an owner of
:>Paragon V2.0xx and after having used several of the PD BBSs out for
:>the IBM such as TAG and Opus, I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever
:>have a decent PD/Shareware BBS program out for the Amiga. I was trying
:>to write one myself, but I don't know C well enough yet to make it
:>Ah well..
:>				--Moriland
:I just have to put in a plug for TAG.  I'm running TAG 6.04 right now, and
:it's one of the most decent bbs's out for the Amiga.  You can't beat
:the price, it has doors, user friendly, nice message base, good
:features, color...and the author is constantly updating it.  

I haven't seen Amiga Tag since way back in V3.xx when he decided to go
more or less commercial. I used to run Amiga Tag myself, but didn't
feel it was worth the money he was asking for for at the time he had
no intention of putting in ANSI or Doors. (I spoke with the author on
several occasions) What's your number as I would be interested in
checking it out.


| hastoerm@vela.acs.oakland.edu |    __                                | 
|                               | __/// Viva Amiga!                    |
| Founder Of: Evil Young        | \XX/                                 |
| Mutants For A Better Tomorrow |       "Single Tasking: JUST SAY NO!" |

jra1@ra.MsState.Edu (Mephisto) (02/08/91)

Someone who gets ahold of amiga unix should port the software we use on  
the MARS HOTEL (mars.ee.msstate.edu).  Of course one would want to use an
amiga hooked up to the internet....

You can find the source at the MARS HOTEL.



           login as bbs


jph@ais.org (Joseph Hillenburg) (02/09/91)

In article <1042@ra.MsState.Edu> jra1@ra.MsState.Edu (Mephisto) writes:
>Someone who gets ahold of amiga unix should port the software we use on  
>the MARS HOTEL (mars.ee.msstate.edu).  Of course one would want to use an
>amiga hooked up to the internet....

You do NOT need to port it. The software SHOULD run as-is. PiratesBBS is a
very nice system, and seems to be very portable across UNIX platforms.

Thats the way UNIX is set up. You should have to make little or no mods to
port a program to your system.

>You can find the source at the MARS HOTEL.
>           mars.ee.msstate.edu

WRONG. The sysops have said you should ftp to it's sister machine,
Trantor.EE.MsState.Edu (

>           login as bbs

FTP in.


   //   Joseph Hillenburg, Secretary, Bloomington Amiga Users Group
 \X/  joseph@valnet.UUCP     jph@irie.ais.org          jph@ai.mit.edu
       "Only Apple could slow down a 68030 chip" --Computer Shopper