[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Wanted- compression "device"

3423YKN@CMUVM.BITNET (02/07/91)

I would like to do the following:

From Pagestream- print a file to disk but pipe this normally huge file to
or through a compression program or device for transporting to a laserprinter
connected to a PC.  It would be a standard zoo, zip, or lzh file so it could
be printed right from the archive to the laserprinter.
How about a mountable device- AF1:   (archive floppy 1).
It has been my experience that these disk files can sometimes be compressed
up to 90%.

Is this do-able?   By any currently available means?
Any enterprising programmers want to take it on?
Am I just dreaming?

Dan Bracken  3423ykn@cmuvm.bitnet

m0154@tnc.UUCP (GUY GARNETT) (02/09/91)

I haven't tried this, but have you tried telling PageStream to output
to the pipe device?  Print to disk file "pipe:foo".  Then use a
compression program on the pipe file.
