[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A2000 owners

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave P. Schaumann) (02/07/91)

In article <1991Feb07.052626.28665@hoss.unl.edu> 231b3678@fergvax.unl.edu (Phil Dietz) writes:
>[...] The A2000
>owner on the other hand has his 60 grand a year job, so he buys everything
>his heart desires (a Video toaster, a 5th hard drive, an optical mouse).
>An A2000 owner is like the Beverly Hills dude that has EVERYTHING.  If 
>it's new, he has to have it.

A2000's come with a 60K/year job??!  Hot dog!  I'm getting one for sure, now!

Seriously, I know a guy here in town who worked a part-time job and saved for
a couple of years to afford his A2000.  Personally, I'm a grad student, and
I'm also saving up for an A2000. (Should have the money sometime this summer :)

> University of Nebraska          Phil Dietz                  //
> Computer Science          231b3678@fergvax.unl.edu       \\// out the
>                           235b4271@fergvax.unl.edu        \/  Amiga!

kelson@ais.org (David Lewis) (02/08/91)

>>owner on the other hand has his 60 grand a year job, so he buys everything
>>his heart desires (a Video toaster, a 5th hard drive, an optical mouse).
>>An A2000 owner is like the Beverly Hills dude that has EVERYTHING.  If 
>>it's new, he has to have it.
>A2000's come with a 60K/year job??!  Hot dog!  I'm getting one for sure, now!
>Seriously, I know a guy here in town who worked a part-time job and saved for
>a couple of years to afford his A2000.  Personally, I'm a grad student, and
>I'm also saving up for an A2000. (Should have the money sometime this summer :)

  I think.. what most of his point is.. just because some of us cant
afford a 2000 and all the extra's.. we shouldnt be dealt outa the deck :).
someone mentioned that 2.0 shoudlnt be packaged with 500's.  I say that
depends on how much software is gonna be dependant on 2.0.  I sure hope
they decide to at least sell upgrades for 500's to 2.0...  They
would make a lot of people happy :)


Internet: Kelson@ais.org

ckp@grebyn.com (Checkpoint Technologies) (02/09/91)

In article <1991Feb07.052626.28665@hoss.unl.edu> 231b3678@fergvax.unl.edu (Phil Dietz) writes:
>                                                            ... The A2000
>owner on the other hand has his 60 grand a year job, so he buys everything
>his heart desires (a Video toaster, a 5th hard drive, an optical mouse).

Having a 60K a year job doesn't help *that* much. Unless you're still
single, living at home...

BTW: I have a suspicion that my posts aren't even getting out for
some unknown reason, so I'm not really worried about how far this is off
First comes the logo: C H E C K P O I N T  T E C H N O L O G I E S      / /  
                                                                    \\ / /    
Then, the disclaimer:  All expressed opinions are, indeed, opinions. \  / o
Now for the witty part:    I'm pink, therefore, I'm spam!             \/

hastoerm@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Moriland) (02/09/91)

In article <2?#-Z7&@irie.ais.org> kelson@ais.org (David Lewis) writes:
}>>owner on the other hand has his 60 grand a year job, so he buys everything
}>>his heart desires (a Video toaster, a 5th hard drive, an optical mouse).
}>>An A2000 owner is like the Beverly Hills dude that has EVERYTHING.  If 
}>>it's new, he has to have it.
}>A2000's come with a 60K/year job??!  Hot dog!  I'm getting one for sure, now!
}>Seriously, I know a guy here in town who worked a part-time job and saved for
}>a couple of years to afford his A2000.  Personally, I'm a grad student, and
}>I'm also saving up for an A2000. (Should have the money sometime this summer :)
}  I think.. what most of his point is.. just because some of us cant
}afford a 2000 and all the extra's.. we shouldnt be dealt outa the deck :).
}someone mentioned that 2.0 shoudlnt be packaged with 500's.  I say that
}depends on how much software is gonna be dependant on 2.0.  I sure hope
}they decide to at least sell upgrades for 500's to 2.0...  They
}would make a lot of people happy :)

Look, let's put this silliness to rest. The chips that hold the
Kickstart are the same between the two machines. So, logically
speaking, if they sell upgrade options for the A2000 you can use those
SAME chips in the A500. They're not going to stand there and check
your records to see if you have an A500 or A2000. ("Nope, sorry, says
here you got an A500 at home. Not allowed to sell these here 2.0 chips
to ya then.") Not let's stop quibbling about it and move on to more
serious subjects.


| hastoerm@vela.acs.oakland.edu |    __                                | 
|                               | __/// Viva Amiga!                    |
| Founder Of: Evil Young        | \XX/                                 |
| Mutants For A Better Tomorrow |       "Single Tasking: JUST SAY NO!" |