[comp.sys.amiga.misc] WorkBench 1.3.X where X > 2

lgreen@pnet01.cts.com (Lawrence Greenwald) (02/09/91)

Somebody (who shall remain anonymous) came to our user group meeting recently
and in passing, mentioned Workbench versions for 1.3 beyond the 1.3.2 that I
now currently use.

My Kickstart is 34.5, Workbench 34.28 (which makes it AmigaDos 1.3.2). I
picked it up when CBM tried to do electronic upgrades via certain pay-for-use
systems like PeopleLink (but abandoned it when the upgrades started appearing
on local BBS systems in violation of the licensing agreement). 

Anyway, he mentioned 1.3.3 (which I've been reading rumors about) and 1.3.4.
If these *ARE* available, how do I get my greedy hands on them? Also, what
fixes do they make to 1.3.2, if any.

Please, save talk about 2.X. I own a 2000, so I won't be upgrading to that
until it gets into ROM.

Larry Greenwald

UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd sdcsvax nosc}!crash!pnet01!lgreen
ARPA: crash!pnet01!lgreen@nosc.mil
INET: lgreen@pnet01.cts.com
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"I'm looking over a three-leaf clover that I overlooked be-three!"  -Bugs Bunny