[comp.sys.amiga.misc] My opinion on 2.0 for non A3000 machines..

jtb@iotm.ttank.com (John P. Gibbons) (02/09/91)

	I really just have one thing to say on this whole issue of 2.0 not
yet being available for non 3000 machines.. Thank God! If commodore burned
the first version of 2.0 into rom when they released the 3000 you know what
we would be saying? "Why didn't you guy's fix the bugs?", "Come on cbm can
you do ANYTHING right?", "I'm switching back to 1.3!".. Etc.. you get the

	I for one am most greatful that they decided to really put an
effort in giving us a real quality bug free product, (remember the first
a1000's!) instead of rushing some trash out the door just to meet some
marketroid deadline.

	One last thing, I also remember hearing an "Official" announcement
that the 2.0 upgrade for 2x00 machines would be available in Sept. 90. To
be honest, I am not very happy that they would give a release date and
be so overdue, this is not the "New commodore's" style, but as I said
earlier, at least we will get a quality 2.0.

Thank you cbm for doing it right!
John P. Gibbons
  //   John P. Gibbons	    uucp: ..!uunet!iotm.ttank.com!jtb
\X/    La Habra, Ca	Internet: jtb@iotm.ttank.com
"Once I had a dream, that worried me, like a drunken guillotine, lingering,
just above my head." -- Cat Stevens