[comp.sys.amiga.misc] caution on vulgar replies

fjs@nntp-server.caltech.edu (Fernando J. Selman) (01/31/91)

Vulgar language usage in the net might be anoying.
But what you are doing is to intimidate the people on
the net. And this deserve all the vulgarities you have
been the victim of, and then some. To insult somebody is
childish. To threaten that somebody's future because of
this? That is called SIN.
				- Fernando J. Selman

P.S. There are already to many rules in this world.
     Do not screw things even more by enforcing the
     stupid ones.

garym@world.std.com (Gary J MacDougall) (02/01/91)

I can't believe someone is beefing about foul language when HE can't properly
use it himself! Todd,learn to spell, type or whatever. Please spare us your
bandwith. Your very boring.

Lets talk Amiga.

Gary MacDougall

PS. Loren, I agree with you. Whats getting him kicked out of school going
to do? Sounds a little more "personal" than what Todd is letting on. 
Boy, Id hate to see Todd driving on the roads here in Boston! Such poor
language we use!

soh@shiva.trl.oz (kam hung soh) (02/04/91)

garym@world.std.com (Gary J MacDougall) writes:

>I can't believe someone is beefing about foul language when HE can't properly
>use it himself! Todd,learn to spell, type or whatever. Please spare us your
>bandwith. Your very boring.
           ^^^^ You're

>Lets talk Amiga.
 ^^^^ Let's or "Let us"

>Gary MacDougall

>PS. Loren, I agree with you. Whats getting him kicked out of school going
                              ^^^^^ What's or "What is"
>to do? Sounds a little more "personal" than what Todd is letting on. 
>Boy, Id hate to see Todd driving on the roads here in Boston! Such poor
      ^^ I'd
>language we use!

Gary, I guess your hand must have slipped off the aprostrophe key. :->
:-> :-> :->

Seriously folks, flaming someone for his or her punctuation or grammar
is a very anti-social act.  I doubt if many people can claim to have a
perfect command of English, least of all me, and I hate to read yet
another flame-fest about language in the amiga newsgroups.


Soh, Kam Hung      email: h.soh@trl.oz.au     tel: +61 03 541 6403 
Telecom Research Laboratories, P.O. Box 249, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia 

redwards@viar.viar.COM (Robert L. Edwards) (02/05/91)

In article <1991Jan28.050020.15668@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> 
lrg7030@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Loren J. Rittle) writes:

>didn't know any better, to get him thrown out of school, *you* should
>learn to spell and write correct English.  Look at your post, the
>English is atrocious.
run-on sentence

>Maybe we should all examine our own lives before attacking others.

or our own grammar

>Loren J. Rittle


dtiberio@libws3.ic.sunysb.edu (David Tiberio) (02/07/91)

In article <485@viar.viar.COM> redwards@viar.viar.COM (Robert L. Edwards) writes:
>In article <1991Jan28.050020.15668@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> 
>lrg7030@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Loren J. Rittle) writes:
>>didn't know any better, to get him thrown out of school, *you* should
>>learn to spell and write correct English.  Look at your post, the
>                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>English is atrocious.
>run-on sentence
>>Maybe we should all examine our own lives before attacking others.
>or our own grammar

  What is important is that we all understand what others are saying to us, and
not whether it follows syntax. Well, unless we were computers. :) Oh no! I
used 'being' verbs! And passive tense! I hope I made no speling mitsakes! :)

etj90@ecs.soton.ac.uk (Jordan ET) (02/09/91)