[comp.sys.amiga.misc] The screen-length and other things are screwed-up!!!!!!

Pascal.Pijet@p0.f178.n221.z1.fidonet.org (Pascal Pijet) (02/11/91)

Hi! I tried paging you today. I just got this modem for my Amiga, and am 
having problems with it. It seems that everything runs off my screen, as 
if I had a real long one. This program also kicks me out for some reason 
sometimes. If you could PLEASE leave me a message or phone me, I'd 
greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Pascal.

Pascal Pijet - via FidoNet node 1:221/171
UUCP    : watmath!xenitec!zswamp!178.0!Pascal.Pijet
Internet: Pascal.Pijet@p0.f178.n221.z1.fidonet.org