[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Need help contacting Gary Oberbruner

don@brahms.udel.edu (Donald R Lloyd) (02/11/91)

    I'm trying to get in contact with Gary Oberbruner (of the Boston
Computer society, I think).  He wrote a fairly long essay (which has been
posted here a few times) on the Amiga's history, and I'd like to find him
to see if he'll give me permission to print it in the AmigaNetwork's 
newsletter for our "Special Issue" that I'm trying to have done for March.
(Why March was chosen, I dunno, but March it is).
	Anyway, if anyone's got a phone number, an account of his to mail to,
or if Gary himself happens to read this, please get in touch with me sometime
soon (I want it to be ready to mail by about the 24th of Feb. at the latest).

	Thanks in advance...

  Gibberish             Publications Editor, AmigaNetwork 
  is spoken             Contact don@brahms.udel.edu for more information.
    here.               DISCLAIMER:  It's all YOUR fault.