[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Missing icons

metahawk@itsgw.rpi.edu (Wayne G Rigby) (02/09/91)

    Several icons on the top level of my hard drive (DH0:) have dissapeared.
The .info files are still there.  One of the icons was my shell (it's very
annoying to have to run the CLI to run Shell, lucky that my System directory
icon didn't disappear, or I'd need a floppy to run shell), all of the others
are directories.  This is the second time that this has happened.  The first
time was after a nasty guru while downloading, running AmigaBasic and doing
something else that I can't remember off hand.  A few days later, the icons
reappeared of their own accord.  Does anyone know what's happening and how
to fix?  The directories and shell are still there and can be accessed by
CLI, even though they don't show up with dir or ls.  ARP (and all) file
requestors also don't indicate some of the toplevel directories.  These
don't quite coorespond with the missing icons, e.g. my DH0:Graphics 
directory shows up as an icon on WorkBench, but not in ARP requests; my
DH0:bin is the opposite (no icon, but in ARP), and DH0:utilities is
missing in both.  Again, all are reachable by typeing in its name
under CLI or ARP requests. 
    I've also noticed a file called KeyNames (Aquarium) that's on my top
level of DH0: that I can't delete or rename.  I always get a file not found
error.  Any suggestions on how to remove?  Can anyone suggest a hard drive
checking utility, preferably PD?

    Please HELP!  Thanks for any in advance.

                                        Wayne Rigby

jay@deepthot.UUCP (Jay Denebeim) (02/11/91)

In article <{%*&?Z+@rpi.edu> metahawk@itsgw.rpi.edu (Wayne G Rigby) writes:
>error.  Any suggestions on how to remove?  Can anyone suggest a hard drive
>checking utility, preferably PD?

Yes, I've had extremely good luck with FixDisk.  Its available on
our BBS as FixDisk1.2.zoo.  

>    Please HELP!  Thanks for any in advance.
>                                        Wayne Rigby
>                                        metahawk@rpi.edu


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