[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Peace, love, happiness...

jhenders@jonh.wimsey.bc.ca (John Henders) (02/12/91)

In <16551@sdcc6.ucsd.edu>, G. "Maddog" Knauss writes:

>Kids, kids...  Let's end this here and now.  No more cross-posting.
>At all.  If you cross-posted a message before you got to this one,
>go back and kill it.  If people wanted to read about the Amiga vs.
>the ST, they'd read comp.sys.amiga.advocacy.  OK?
>       This whole mess started out of an innocent question and has
>gotten way out of hand.  It's childish, it's petty, but worst of all
>it's boring.
>                                       Play nice now,
>                                       Greg "School Marm" Knauss

        It's also becoming appearant that some people (see my other 
post for an example), are redirecting this stuff back to the atari
group after we try to move it to .advocacy. Thanks for nothing, Joe.
        If we wanted to read this stuff, we'd folow the .advocacy group.
I think redirecting these messages back to groups where they're not
wanted is rude and immature.

          John Henders        jhenders@jonh.wimsey.bc.ca
          Vancouver,B.C.      or jhenders@wimsey.bc.ca
                              or ubc.cs!van-bc!jonh!jhenders