[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Avoiding the flame war

PMR2@psuvm.psu.edu (02/10/91)

I've seen some nice, rational postings asking people to cease fire, but
the flame war still goes on.  Is there some way I can instruct my
NETNEWS reader to say, filter out from comp.sys.atari.st all articles
with the word 'Amiga' in them (and vice versa for Amiga readers)?



swarren@convex.com (Steve Warren) (02/11/91)

In article <91040.184351PMR2@psuvm.psu.edu> PMR2@psuvm.psu.edu writes:
>I've seen some nice, rational postings asking people to cease fire, but
>the flame war still goes on.  Is there some way I can instruct my
>NETNEWS reader to say, filter out from comp.sys.atari.st all articles
>with the word 'Amiga' in them (and vice versa for Amiga readers)?

This only works for rn or trn newsreaders, so if you are using a vax or other
newsreader you will have to consult your manual.

While reading your newsgroup (comp.sys.atari.st for atari people,
comp.sys.amiga.misc for amiga people), type ^K (control-k).

This should start your news editor (set by the environment variable NFED
in your .login or .cshrc file - example for a csh user: one line in the
.cshrc will read, setenv NFED "emacs" , if you want to use emacs for your
news editor).  The file you are editing is your kill file for the group
you are reading.  If you want to eliminate postings that contain the word
"amiga" in the title then add this line:


If you want to eliminate the word atari then add this line:


--Steve   ._||__      DISCLAIMER: All opinions are my own.
  Warren   v\ *|     ----------------------------------------------
             V       {uunet,sun}!convex!swarren; swarren@convex.com

jhenders@jonh.wimsey.bc.ca (John Henders) (02/12/91)

In <1991Feb11.155207.19611@convex.com>, Steve Warren writes:
>In article <91040.184351PMR2@psuvm.psu.edu> PMR2@psuvm.psu.edu writes:
>>I've seen some nice, rational postings asking people to cease fire, but
>>the flame war still goes on.  Is there some way I can instruct my
>>NETNEWS reader to say, filter out from comp.sys.atari.st all articles
>>with the word 'Amiga' in them (and vice versa for Amiga readers)?
>	Useful stuff on how to build a kill file deleted

	Another solution which would help nip these things in the bud, would
be if anyone who follows up to the posting uses the Followup: line to 
redirect the discussion elsewhere. If everyone did this immediatly,these
stupid flame wars would die an early death.

          John Henders        jhenders@jonh.wimsey.bc.ca
          Vancouver,B.C.      or jhenders@wimsey.bc.ca
                              or ubc.cs!van-bc!jonh!jhenders

erik@mcrware.UUCP (Erik Johnson) (02/12/91)

In article <91040.184351PMR2@psuvm.psu.edu> PMR2@psuvm.psu.edu writes:
>I've seen some nice, rational postings asking people to cease fire, but
>the flame war still goes on.  Is there some way I can instruct my
>NETNEWS reader to say, filter out from comp.sys.atari.st all articles
>with the word 'Amiga' in them (and vice versa for Amiga readers)?

I use 'rn' to read usenet news, and if you wish to kill all articles that
have the word 'amiga' in the title, do the following:

while in the atari newsgroup,

	Press control-k.
	This will allow you to edit your kill file, type the following:


	This will junk all amiga titled messages.

I did this a few days ago, and it really is nice to skip all the garbage.

Erik R Johnson