[comp.sys.amiga.misc] "Fucking" Amiga twerps!

ro@bertl.UUCP (Robert Osten) (02/13/91)

From article <1991Feb10.094532.1871@sactoh0.sac.ca.us>, by mfolivo@sactoh0.sac.ca.us (Mark Newton John):
> You godd damned Amiga shit for brains dweebs, STAY OFF THE FUCKING
> I'm fucking tired [...] bullshit [...]
> FLAMIN shit [...] so stay the bloody hell [...]
> I'll kick your fuckin' little brains [...]
> Am I pissed? [...]
> Say what you will, you shits, stay on your own fucking side.

Are you sure you're all right ?  Your brain isn't still working, is
it ? I'm sure it's *hardly* working. I hope I'll never have to find a
message like that again !!!!! 

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