[comp.sys.amiga.misc] DSP boards for Amiga?

terry@csd.uwo.ca (Terry Cudney) (02/05/91)

[line eaters became extinct a long tim


     Are there any DSP (Digital Signal Processing) boards available for
the Amiga? Preferably Motorola 56001, but any other info will be gladly
received. Thanks.

/* terry@chaplin.csd.uwo.ca
 * Terry Cudney Amistosa MicroWare 9 Durham Street, LONDON, Ontario, N5Y 2H9

/* terry@chaplin.csd.uwo.ca
 * Terry Cudney Amistosa MicroWare 9 Durham Street, LONDON, Ontario, N5Y 2H9

eric@remus.rutgers.edu (Eric Lavitsky) (02/13/91)

Ed -

 Active Circuits, Inc. is an Amiga Developer located in Wall, NJ. You
can see advertisements for some of our products in the September and
December issues of AmigaWorld (pg 4).

 The DSP board Randell mentioned is called the Bonsai 2000(tm). The
board is not yet commercialy available, but we hope to have a formal
announcement ready for AmigaWorld Expo in March. We feel very strongly
that our board provides some of the most flexible and powerful signal
processing capabilities on a microcomputer platform at a very attractive
price. A typical configuration is expected to retail for around $1500.00.
Final pricing is not available at this time. What follows is a list of
specifications from a marketing glossy we're putting together - note
that these specifications are preliminary and are subject to change
before final release.

ACI Bonsai 2000(tm) DSP Board Specifications (Preliminary):

		AT&T DSP32C running at 50Mhz
		(One or two per board)

		12.5 MIPS per DSP
		25 MFLOPS per DSP (Single Precision)
		Each DSP can perform a 1024 point complex FFT
		(including bit reversal) in 3.2 ms.

		35ns Static RAM SIMMS (1 wait state)
		Two SIMM modules per DSP
		Maximum of 2 Megabytes per DSP

		High speed 32-Bit expansion bus provided for
		connection to external memory subsystems or
		tight-coupling to other boards (e.g. frame buffers).

		One digital serial interface per processor:
			Allows arbitrary I/O using daughterboards
		I/O daughterboards available from ACI:
			Voice band CODEC with RJ11 interface
			AES/EBU Transmitter/Receiver
			DSP-DSP loop connector
		Up to 16Mbits/sec sampling rate per processor

	Support Software:
			Amiga EXEC device driver provided
			Amiga shared library provided
			Full C compiler, Assembler, Linker, Simulator and
			Link library of commonly used arithmetic and
			signal processing functions available.

			UNIX SVr4 device driver available
			Full C compiler, Assembler, Linker, Simulator and
			Link library of commonly used arithmetic and
			signal processing functions available.

				Active Circuits, Inc.
		 	     1985 Highway 34, Suite A-4
				   Wall, NJ 07719
				(908) 974-1616 (Voice)
				 (908) 974-1672 (Fax)
Eric Lavitsky				UUCP:	...rutgers!tstream!eric
Active Circuits, Inc.				eric@remus.rutgers.edu
908-974-1616				BIX:	eric