[comp.sys.amiga.misc] ASDG RAM

rolee@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Profess'nal Agitator) (02/13/91)

I ftp'd a version of ASDG's vd0: (dated 14 July 1989) from uhccux.  After
changing my mountlist entry, I now find I have lost RAD:  I can mount it,
but when I try to CD to it, I get a "not a DOS disk" error.

Philosophical arguments about the usefulness of RAD: aside, has anyone else
had this problem with this version of vd0:?

E-mail preferred.

Thanx in advance,


   "Caltech -- A Division of     rolee@jarthur.claremont.edu  //  InterNet
       Harvey Mudd"              rolee@hmcvax.bitnet         //   BITNET
   -------------- R E M E M B E R   B E I J I N G -------\\-//-------------
   Roderick Lee    "The Professional Agitator"    Harvey  \X/  Mudd College