[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Thanks for the advice

rick@tetrauk.UUCP (Rick Jones) (02/13/91)

Thanks to all those who responded to my request for advice and comparisons of
the Amiga and Atari-ST.  I received much useful and constructive information
and opinion, and with little if any hint of evangelical fervour (only one
person actually objected to me posting the request in the first place!).  It's
certainly provided me with enough to make a decision, although I think that
political expediency prohibits me from discussing any decision in public :-)

I gather from some replies that com.sys.amiga has been reorganised - for some
reason the control messages have never reached my site, all I have is
comp.sys.amiga.  I therefore apologise if this message (as with the original)
is in the wrong group.

Thanks again
Rick Jones
Tetra Ltd.  Maidenhead, 	Your .signature has expired,
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