[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Answer to ECS question

widyono@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Aasmodeus) (02/14/91)


Well, some folks wanted to have this answer posted, so I guess this answer
just about summmmmms it up *sigh*...

(I just realized c.s.a.hardware would be the appropriate place..)


From higgin@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com Wed Feb 13 09:43:57 1991

--- begin "

$Once a while back I heard that if you purchased your computer within a
$certain period you could get an ECS upgrade for free by writing CBM.  Is
$this true?

No, sorry.

$I got an Ami2K in March '90.  I heard if I can get the ECS
$and a NECMultiSyncIII ($$$$$! :-( ) there'd be no flicker and the screen
$would look beautiful.

ECS Denise provides a non-interlaced 31.5KHz output (up to 4 colors
at once) which we call Productivity Mode.  It is only accessible
under AmigaDOS 2.0.

" end ---

Daniel Widyono  "Aas"    <. .>      ________SEAS: BE (+ CSE hopeful)
3450 Chestnut St.  Box 86  .    __ //only  /widyono @ eniac.seas.upenn.edu
Philadelphia, PA, 19104   \_/    \X/ Amiga/ I voted 4 Bill & Opus too. Darn.