[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Please stop cross posting from comp.sys.amiga.* to 'junk'!

yc58@mrcu (MRC Library) (02/11/91)

Newgroup 'junk' has been full of amiga-related articles for the last few weeks;
I suppose someone cross-posted to 'junk' and all the follow-ups from them on
have gone to 'junk' too. Please check your the newsgroup listing when you send
messages and delete junk from the list.

Mind you, as the owner of an Acorn Archimedes, 'junk' is the best place for
the Amiga!


Don't know whether to buy an ST or an Amiga? Buy an Arc instead - you won't
regret it.  32 bit RISC processor for under 600 pounds; multitasking WIMP
environment; outline font system (beating MAC system 7.0 by a year); direct
data exchange between applications. I could go on forever ....

king@motcid.UUCP (Steven King) (02/14/91)

In article <828@mrcu> yc58@uk.co.gec-mrc (MRC Library) writes:
>Newgroup 'junk' has been full of amiga-related articles for the last few weeks;
>I suppose someone cross-posted to 'junk' and all the follow-ups from them on
>have gone to 'junk' too. Please check your the newsgroup listing when you send
>messages and delete junk from the list.

Are you *sure* someone crossposted to 'junk'?  Junk is set up on every
Usenet system I know of as "the place to put all incoming articles that
I don't have a real newsgroup set up for".  For example, my site doesn't
officially get comp.sys.amiga.games and we don't have a newsgroup created
for it.  However, our newsfeed (uunet) still sends us the articles from
that group.  We get 'em, and don't know what to do with 'em.  Junk.

I'll lay dollars to doughnuts that this is what's happending on your
system.  Comp.sys.amiga went through a reorganization recently in which
a *lot* of new groups were created.  Comp.sys.amiga itself is going to
be removed, since it's already been replaced with comp.sys.amiga.misc.
I'll bet at least one of the new groups didn't get created at your site
and traffic in them is being dropped in 'junk'.  Consult your sysadmin.

American Non-Sequitur Society -- We don't make     |        Steven King
sense, but we do like pizza.                       |     Motorola Cellular
                                                   |   ...uunet!motcid!king