[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Forget it, dweebs.

specter@disk.uucp (Byron Max Guernsey) (02/14/91)

mfolivo@sactoh0.sac.ca.us (Mark Newton John) writes:

>I am not apologizing, and those who would apologize for me, don't.
>I have nothing against other system users, just the little shits
>that bug me about mine, and it has ALWAYS been the Amiga users.
>I've NEVER seen a jerk cross post from Apple, IBM, or even Mindset

"Its always the black people stealing and causing trouble." Sound familiar?
Steriotyping all amiga users is ridiculous. Next time someone posts something
crude or out of line, let them know in mail. Maybe post a NICE message to the
other group telling who posted it. Display a little control, after all its
just a bunch of characters ordered in a descriptive way.


(sorry for cross replying)
Byron 'Maxwell' Guernsey                       |       ///  //\\
specter@disk.UUCP     or                       |      ///  //  \\
uunet!ukma!corpane!disk!specter                |  \\\///  //====\\
"Great programs aren't written, they're fathered." \\\/  //      \\ m i g a