[comp.sys.amiga.misc] fbm 1.0 for Amiga available via ftp

zrzo0111@helpdesk.rus.uni-stuttgart.de (Martin Hohl) (02/14/91)

In article <91044.222707LDSHANER@MTUS5.BITNET> Leon D. Shaner <LDSHANER@MTUS5.BITNET> writes:
>>FBM 1.0 for Amiga is available via ftp at rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de
... lines deleted
>Is this a new version or something???  The date says DEC 19 at the above
>ftp site...
I forgot to point out that I did this port in December 1990 and it is
newer than the version on the fish disks (was 0.94 if I remember correctly).

Martin Hohl