[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Listing For Fish 441-450

detert@logdis1.hq.aflc.af.mil (CMSgt David K. Detert) (02/10/91)

Was this list already posted to the ANNOUNCE group?  If it was, we must not
be getting the group just yet because I never saw it go by here.  If it
was posted, could someone send it to me, PLEASE?
Thanks in advance.
Cheers, Dave
CMSgt David K. Detert, USAF     MILNet:  detert@wpdis01.af.mil

griffin@frith.uucp (Danny Griffin) (02/10/91)

detert@logdis1.hq.aflc.af.mil (CMSgt David K. Detert) writes:

>Was this list already posted to the ANNOUNCE group?  If it was, we must not

I don't think so.  I read all the c.s.a groups every day and I haven't
heard a thing about any FF disk >440. (Unless Fred posted it to
the original c.s.a that went away)
Dan Griffin

etxtomp@eos.ericsson.se (Tommy Petersson) (02/15/91)

In article <1991Feb10.091801.2825@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> griffin@frith.uucp (Danny Griffin) writes:
>detert@logdis1.hq.aflc.af.mil (CMSgt David K. Detert) writes:
>>Was this list already posted to the ANNOUNCE group?  If it was, we must not
>I don't think so.  I read all the c.s.a groups every day and I haven't
>heard a thing about any FF disk >440. (Unless Fred posted it to
>the original c.s.a that went away)
>Dan Griffin

Yes, it was posted to the ANNOUNCE group. It even got here to Sweden.