[comp.sys.amiga.misc] What are the commands in EDIT

paul@theborg.mlb.fl.us (Paul Aidukas - Sys.Admin.) (02/15/91)

On the original Workbench disk came a program called EDIT. I have the AmigaDOS
V1.3  book  along  with a few others, but no documentation on the commands for
EDIT...  It's  been  said  many times that EDIT is one of the very few editors
that  works  over  the  AUX:  device.  Can  someone please send me the list of
commands for this program?

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Paul Aidukas          //           C-Net UUCP BBS: 407-952-6969, 24 Hours
Melbourne, FL.     _ // AMIGA              paul@theborg.mlb.fl.us
Courier HST 14.4   \X/ 2500/020   theborg!slopoke!mlb.semi.harris.com!paul