[comp.sys.amiga.misc] FTP SITES HELP

anstey_tf@darwin.ntu.edu.au (02/15/91)

    Can someone tell me the best locations for FTPing files for the


dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave P. Schaumann) (02/16/91)

In article <1991Feb15.192748.640@darwin.ntu.edu.au> anstey_tf@darwin.ntu.edu.au writes:
|    Can someone tell me the best locations for FTPing files for the

Look in comp.sys.amiga.datacomm
Dave Schaumann      | DANGER: Access holes may tear easily.  Use of the access
		    | holes for lifting or carrying may result in damage to the
dave@cs.arizona.edu | carton and subsequent injury to the user.