[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Fish Disk Listings 431-440

WMORRISO@ESOC.BITNET (W.H.Morrison) (02/14/91)

Hi all,
       I hope I'm in the correct new group for this query. We only got the new
lists this morning, and  I got the Fish Listings for 441 - 450. Problem is that
 between c.s.a. going down and the new groups starting, I missed the descriptio
ns of disks 431 - 440. Can somebody send them to me?
                  Thanx and regards

GKZ117@uriacc.uri.edu (F. Michael Theilig) (02/16/91)

On 15 Feb 91 16:01:37 GMT W.H.Morrison said:
>Hi all,
>       I hope I'm in the correct new group for this query. We only got the new
>lists this morning, and  I got the Fish Listings for 441 - 450. Problem is that
> between c.s.a. going down and the new groups starting, I missed the descriptio
>ns of disks 431 - 440. Can somebody send them to me?

     If you miss the origional posting, just get them off of a FTP site. has them in the fishdoc directory.  You have to catonate
 them together, but you can always get them.

>                  Thanx and regards
>                                   Bill

     F. Michael Theilig  -  The University of Rhode Island at Little Rest
                            GKZ117 at URIACC.Bitnet
                            GKZ117 at URIACC.URI.edu

                                               Though you'd like to know.