[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Is there a problem turning amiga w/ HD on its

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave P. Schaumann) (02/02/91)

In article <16341@chopin.udel.edu> jeremym@chopin.udel.edu (Jeremy A Moskowitz) writes:
|Title says it all.. I have recently put my Amiga 2000 with 40 Meg Quantum
|on it's side [...]
|It looks sharp., but I wanna check before I do any damage...

You may have noticed that the card slots in the Bodega Bay are sideways.  It's
not real obvious in the ad unless you look closely at the cut-away drawing,
and it's not mentioned in the ad copy, but it is so.

The long and the short of all this is that it's a fair bet that California
Access thinks its OK to put hard drives on their side.

|E Pluribus //  Contacts: jeremym@brahms.udel.edu or jeremym@chopin.udel.edu or
|  Unix    //		  jeremy@freezer.it.udel.edu (line 1 = jeremym)  

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) (02/05/91)

We go through hundreds of winnies at work, and they can survive lots of things,
but one thing that's guaranteed to cause soft errors is running a disk in a
different orientation than it's formatted. Format it while it's in the side
and it'll run like a trooper.
Peter da Silva.   `-_-'

jafo@miranda.UUCP (Sean Reifschneider) (02/16/91)

In article <7710@sugar.hackercorp.com> peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
>We go through hundreds of winnies at work, and they can survive lots of things,
>but one thing that's guaranteed to cause soft errors is running a disk in a
>different orientation than it's formatted. Format it while it's in the side
>and it'll run like a trooper.

I never had that problem.  I had a Seagate ST-277N (65MB SCSI), and just over
2 years ago I formatted it in the horizontal position.  Mor most of the next
2 years, it was running vertically.  No problems.

Then I sold it to a friend so I could upgrade to 200MB, and within the next
couple of weeks, he complained of stuction.  <Sigh>

From the desk of Sean Reifschneider.  Isn't Amiga UUCP great?  Thanks Matt.
